59: Unnecessary problems.

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The day carried on as usual, and everything was rather uneventful. The snow didn't seem to pick up as much, making the survivors almost feel hopeful. I mean.. perhaps this meant the storm was clearing? Hopefully..there wasn't many sources of food and it was getting even more difficult to survive by the day.

Fries had spent the rest of his day with Firey, as he felt bad for not seeing him as much. He just wanted to make sure he was doing okay, and that he wouldn't turn to the emotional state he was in a few days ago. Stapy seemed to be good company though, which was helpful.

He had went to leave to get home a little later than he planned.. evening was coming and he hadn't expected to take so long returning. He had struggled finding his way back, but once he did the nerves of being back this late had only begun to sink in.

Gelatin was guarding the door at this time, raising an eyebrow as Fries made his way through it. Fries swallowed, knowing Gelatin was close to Donut and knew all his secrets..Gelatin had no idea that Fries knew them, too.

"What are you looking at?" Fries snarled, heaving his shovel over his shoulder and speed walking past him in a mood. Gelatin didn't reply to that, muttering something as Fries made his way inside.

"Two is busy by the way, he advised Front Row to guard the prisoners while they're out." Gelatin informed, Fries stopping in his tracks.. Two was gone?

"Where did they go?" He turned back to Gelatin fiercely, wanting an answer. Gelatin shrugged, unbothered "Psh, how should I know? Find it out yourself. " he joked, but meant it since he didn't like Fries.

Fries understood his anger but pretended like he didn't "How helpful.." he sarcastically remarked, swerving his body back around and making his way up the stairs to where Twos office would usually be.

He was confused.. what would Two be doing at this time? He couldn't imagine them leaving the base, so where else would they go? Fries glanced around the corridors wearily..everyone seemed to be off and busy..they were empty.

He placed his hand on the door to Twos office once he approached it, pushing slowly "Two?" He called, peering inside curiously. But to his dismay, they weren't there. He frowned and opened it fully.. neither was Coiny or Donut.. where were they?

He felt a little uneasy, looking around the almost silent room,..perhaps Two needed them for something? Or maybe they were both busy on their own. He was drawn inside, listening to the ticking of the clock as it stayed in rhythm with his steps.

The whole room was quiet, and uneasy. There was a feeling of uncertaincy which lay around the room.. he paced up to Twos desk, placing his hand on the surface delicately. He looked behind himself for a split second before turning back..

Maybe there was more information he could find while Two was gone? Maybe..

Fries didn't really want to stay here for long, since he didn't wat to risk getting caught.. he had already tested his luck earlier when taking Coinys files..

Defeatedly, he went to turn around to leave, but of course something had to catch his eye just before he could get out of there. He had noticed something looked...off, turning his body to the side so he could get a better view.

Just by Twos desk.. the floor appeared.. strange. He trailed up to it quietly, trying to be careful and putting his shovel down. He rubbed his hands together in preparation before pushing the heavy desk; it screeched against the ground so he winced, hoping it hadn't made too much noise. He pushed it just enough to reveal something abnormal..it was a hatch, like a small door that lead to underground. Why did Two have this here? Had this always been here?

Perhaps it had been covered by the desk.. did they accidentally leave it revealed? Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he reached down to pull at the hatch, and... to his surprise it wasn't locked. It pulled open, a dark room now evident. It was completely pitch black.. it kind of looked endless.. but he doubted it was.

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