75: Admittedly...

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Everyone had went to rest over the course of the night, and morning finally and eventually once again came. It felt like everyday there was something else that made everything just a little bit worse, waking up just felt like a chore at this point.

Most of the objects on Twos side were having breakfast in the cafeteria. Barfbag was sat alone, boredly twisting her spoon in her cereal and catching the small bits in the milk, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Last night had been interesting.. she was looking forward to using Price Tag to her own will. She told Yellowface and he too was just as excited.

Now they could do risky things without doing it themselves personally. They had been wanting to get something from Twos office for a while, so this would be the perfect opportunity, as they wouldn't have to do it themselves. None of them felt guilty for Price Tag, I mean, they must have done something to have to be forced to come home after going through all that trouble to escape.

She felt her spoon clink against the bowl as she boredly mixed the cereal, jumping as Gelatin suddenly spoke up from nowhere, dropping it in her bowl "Yo Barfbag! Uhh, watcha doing?" He sat down in front of her, grinning. He seemed less positive than usually but he was clearly making an effort.

"Huh? Oh.. eating. I'm so tired." She yawned, frowning at the sight of her spoon. Gelatin watched, raising an eyebrow "Jeez.. what were you doing all night? Partying?" He joked playfully. She forced a chuckle, going to nudge him "Noo-... just a long night last night, thats all.."

"Eh.. its okay, me too.." he rubbed his eyes with his fist. He felt like asking where Donut was but.. he also felt awkward doing so. He did feel a little bad for how he acted.. he had been upset so hadn't talked to him with his usual mindset. However he was.. definitely still upset over what Donut did. He was still lying and hiding something and he didn't know why.

He did hope he was okay, though.

She noticed that Gelatin seemed quite distant, so cleared her throat and tried to start another conversation, not wanting to deal with the awkward conversation "How have you been feeling lately yourself?? You always worry about others and never.. you, ha."

"Huh?" He stopped daydreaming, half interested "Yeah I'm good. Could be better but, couldn't we all." He chuckled but trailed off, leaning on his arm on the table, glancing off to the side. "Me and Donut.. fell out."

"Awh.. really?" She seemed upset by the news but she wasn't, she was actually very pleased that he was talking about this. "Er.. what happened? If you don't mind me asking.."

He shrugged, tracing the table with his hand "..Donuts..just been super weird lately.." he couldn't tell her why, unaware that she already KNEW why. "It's kind of personal but.. he hurt me because of it and I snapped at him. We haven't spoken since..." he revealed quietly.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." She apologised with fake guilt "..Do you think you'll make up again soon?"

"Well, duh, I hope so." He tried to force a smile, looking off to the side as he was clearly unsure, though. "It's just.. difficult because of what happened, you see.. I think I went a little far. But honestly, I've been chill with him sooooo many times already! You get me??" 

She nodded "Y-Yeah, yeah, I get your point. " she rubbed the back of her head. Gelatin exhaled softly, sitting up "Sorry for ranting about this. You probably have er.. other things on your mind.."

"Ohnono, its okay!" She reassured and shook her hands in defense, trying to make a soft laugh to help him feel better. "I hope you feel better soon.. I'm sure you and Donut will come around.."

"I hope so, haaa." Gelatin faltered and leaned on the table again, hunching over it. He quickly perked up as he noticed Donut enter the cafeteria, sitting up instantly at the sight of him, gripping onto the sides tensly. "Ohh godd.."

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