43: The same friends you've always had.

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Tennisballs surgery was now half complete. Basketball had to work really late to get as much done as possible, but she still ended up falling asleep. Unfortunately for her, she had to wake up merely hours later, so now not only was she tired, but STILL had to finish it off.

Tennisball was in a somewhat stable condition. She wasn't sure how he was going to react when he woke up and saw himself. She felt absolutely awful having to cut away Pillows parts to use on Tennisball.

Nickels surgery wasn't nearly as bad. At least Front Row got the parts for her...thus time she had to get them herself.

She had woken up before Two had, so she wanted to go out while she still could. She felt unwell and unmotivated; this was especially due to what happened with Snowball.

She felt awful.. she didn't think she would ever see him again. What if he never returned to her? Or what if he somehow got himself killed and that was their last ever interaction? She couldn't keep worrying like this.. she had these thoughts EVERY time she thought about him.

She was having a little walk, calmed by the rain. She was.. surprised it was still raining. Perhaps it was just a really bad storm? She knew Snowball wouldnt be okay with water.. did he still have the umbrella she gave him?

She bit her lip and tried to shake the thoughts away. Don't think about things that will make you worry more. You'll just feel worse when you have to do the surgery later.

She wished she could just ..go back to how things used to be. She wanted to run away, but didn't want to be a coward. She wanted to help..

But everything was so difficult. She had so much responsibility..and with all this information on her mind it was driving her crazy. She tried not to think about anything that would upset her, but tears just formed in her eyes as she walked.

Everything was terrible.

She looked up weakly, rubbing her eyes softly. She stopped in her tracks quickly, almost tumbling over when she realised that Snowball was right in the distance.

Of course.. he always stayed close to the edges of the forest - but he should really be careful.. what if Free Food came out for an early hunt? He'd be done for.

She didn't know how to react, or what to do. She kind of just...stared for a moment, debating options. She could easily run away from him, since he was sleeping..

But was that what she really wanted? Maybe it was just because she was scared.. but she didn't want them to be on bad terms forever. She gently sighed in defeat with herself, treading forward through the muddy ground to get over to him.

He was leaning against a tree, the umbrella perched over him as protection from the intruding weather as he sat comfortably, sleeping quietly. She gave him an quick observation, examining if he had an injuries. He didn't.

He looked so peaceful.. should she really interrupt?

" ...Mf.." he grumbled quietly under his breath, shifting and sitting up slightly. He slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them as he was half asleep. She jumped at his sudden movement, growing nervous as he gently opened his eyes.

"G-GH!-" He thought it was someone who was going to kill him at first, backing away up against the tree, intimated. Once he realised who it actually was.. his fears did not leave. He glanced to the side, relaxing physically since he knew she wouldn't hurt him.

What was she doing here? Did she just happen to find him? He wished she hadn't "..It's...you." he muttered.

She felt nervous, and awkward "S-Sorry! I-I just.. I.." she tried to muster up an excuse but..she didn't have one "O-Oh!..Snowball, I'm sorry! I couldn't help it.. I've been feeling terrible!"

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