16: Waterworks, and breaks?

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After a long night of staying up late to finish her project, Golfball had been spending the morning asleep and would probably remain that way for the rest of the day. She had decided she would trust the group to look after themselves and know better.

She'd been planning out this idea in her head for a very long time, excited to finally start on it. She knew it would be a big help to herself, and well the others probably.. but this was mostly for herself and to help herself out.

So as she was sleeping, the others were left to do their own things amongst themselves in the lab. They knew they couldn't go outside, so they had to stay inside and entertain themselves instead.

"How long do you think these snacks will last for." Pillow hummed, looking through one of the boxes of food they had supplied, leaning over it and rummaging though like an animal. Lollipop shrugged, leaning against the wall and having her arms crossed "Who knows? We're not psychics," she replied sarcastically.

Jr was sat ontop of 8-ball, raising an eyebrow "Depends on how much of a fatass you are" he joked at Pillow, who didn't pay attention to his insulting. "Ooh! I love this!" She proceeded to pull out a packet of peanuts "I'm so lucky.." she smiled to herself.

Pen rubbed the back of his head "Right.. on the other note..do we know how Fanny and Lightning are holding up?? You guys said there was something wrong with her or something.."

Lollipop clicked her fingers and leaned away from the wall "Right. Of course. Shall we go see how they are? I'm surprised they haven't woken up already.."

Bomby shrugged "..Maybe they're just tired from the surgery??" He suggested, looking at Lollipop for her reaction, but she just seemed to dismiss what he said "Where were they, again?"

"I remember. Follow me everyone.." Blackhole inturupted with his calm voice, turning to go float in a certain direction. Jr hopped off 8-ball and followed, the rest getting up or turning to do the same.

"Do you think it was successful??" Pillow pondered, catching up to Lollipop and swinging her arms joyfully as she walked alongside her. Lolly shrugged "Who knows.."

Pen was still thinking about yesterday.. how the group said that Eraser offered to go over to Twos side undercover, but they hadn't heard from him in a while. What if he was hurt? Or worse?

Blackhole said he wanted to go over there as he felt like he should take some responsibility..maybe one day he'll ask Blackhole to help him get Eraser back.

But.. knowing one of his friends was.. hopefully okay made him feel a bit better. Some hope was better than no hope..

Depending on the circumstance.

"Want one?" Pillow asked Jr, showing him the packet of peanuts she had found in the box. Jr made a disgusted face "I'd rather jump in a lake"

"We're uuhhere.. who wants to go in? It'll be overwhelming for all of us to..so..like" Blackhole stated.

Lollipop took a step forward "I will.. you too, Blackhole. Come on.." she stepped over to the door.

He was wondering why she wanted him to come with her out of everyone, but didn't say anything and just obliged. Pillow waved happily "Goodbyee~!" She giggled.

They went into the room, Jr looking up at her and raising an eyebrow "They're not gone forever, idiot" he insulted.

The two made there way inside, looking around. There were two beds on the floor that had been made up of sheets and pillows they had found in the supplies, and they were close together because the two couldn't be separated..they were sat up, talking. Fanny glared over at the two as they walked in "What??" She hissed.

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