19: Cats out the bag.

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Evening was coming, it was close to sunset. Night time was something everyone in the forest dreaded. Blindness and coldness, they were so cruel when together. But once the night was over, the day would begin again.

Book stumbled tiredly, her front cover slashed and torn from the attack regarding earlier. She didn't know where she was going.. just, somewhere safe. She couldn't forget what she had seen, what had happened earlier. She let Saw get taken.. and now she was probably..dead. There was a chance she wasn't dead, but the chance she was dead was a lot bigger.

She had lost one of her eyes after the incident earlier, and it was agony. She was struggling to hold up her body weight, feeling sick and exhausted. She wanted to just collapse, let the darkness consume her and let her be absorbed by death.

"Hey, what are you doing-?" She suddenly heard someone say to her, making her jump in surprise. She woke up a little and turned to who had just spoken to her, covering her mouth.

Firey stood there, a knife in hand as he was confused on what she was doing. "Yikes, what happened to you?"

She didn't know what to say "Y-You're on Fours side, aren't you-?" She stammered, her voice a little hoarse since this was the first time she had spoke in a while.

Firey shrugged "If that's what you wanna call it...well, where ar-"

He flinched as she grabbed his arm "O-Oh my library! Thank goodness .. I-I was going to give up.. but, oh.. gosh, sorry I'm just really excited. I can't believe that .. well, I don't know who else is even alive, so..don't mind me" she awkwardly laughed as she let her words flow out her mouth due to her relief and excitement.

Firey grinned "Well.. duh, course I'd be alive. I'm like, one of the strongest contestants ever" he boasted. "Anyways, you lost?"

She let go of his arm "..I.. was attacked, not long ago" Firey raised an eyebrow "..It was Free Food. They thought I was dead, so left me.. but they took Saw." She glanced to the side as she was forced to remember. Firey frowned a little.

"D-Damn.. I'm sorry that happened. Buuut hey! Now that you've found me, you don't have to worry about getting attacked. Follow me, I'll take you back to my base" he grinned proudly, turning around.

She didn't have much of a choice than just to follow him. She trusted him because she was pretty sure he was on Fours team.. she couldn't remember everyone, but took his word for it.

She was just.. relieved. To find someone else like this. Her and Saw had hardly no luck when trying to find anyone else that may be alive but.. they found nobody else. So stumbling across someone so suddenly was.. well, lucky. She felt lucky.

Firey swung his knife around "You know, back at the base theres food and stuff, and other things you may need." He spoke to her, still facing forward. "R-Really?" She asked.

He nodded "Duh! Theres bandages too so you can bandage up your eye." He grinned.

She was surprised that Firey looked .. hardly affected. But taking his object in mind the only thing that could really do him damage was water.

"Just come up here.." Firey suddenly spoke. Book looked over, noticing he was pointing up a ladder.. a tree house?

"Kinda tackkyy.. buuut, it's home. Come on up." He began to climb up swiftly, hoisting himself up onto the platform above. Book glanced around herself, before doing the same.

"G-Gah! Y-You didn't tell me you woukd bring anyone back!" Someone else said. Book flinched "H-Huh?"

Cake was there, too. He looked pretty roughed up.. he looked like he had been attacked, but not recently.

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