116: Aren't you happy?

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3 days

Front Row had completed the task of laying out some bear traps around in the snow, trying to leave them in places that would be the most likely for someone to stand or walk by. The harder task was for the group who had to go out further into the forest, not only because of the cold but because of the risk that on the way back they would get caught up in one of the bear traps that had been set.

Gelatin was originally going to be forced to do it considering he was the odd one out in the group compared to everyone else, and he was terrified at the thought because he knew if he tripped up into one of those it would be bye bye Gelatin, however Leafy volunteered because apparently she would know if one was nearby. Loser told Liy to go with her just in case, and the rest of Front Row went back to the base.

The other two had went off deeper into the forest to place the bear traps, and then after they did this they turned around and began to walk back to the base. They had been gone for almost an hour, and the snow had continued to fall. It made everything around white and frosty, and they could trace their footprints back for a while until they covered over. The winds were super cold, and Liy had to keep rubbing her arms to keep warm, looking at the plants below her as they were coated with spiked frost. This was stupid.. she didn't have a big likability for snow.

The two had been walking in silence on their journey back, Liy making sure to almost replicate her old footprints because she knew it was safe to walk in those areas. The closer she got however the more she realised that they were becoming less and less obvious due to the snow piling on top of them. The only sound was the snow as they trampled on it, Liy looking around and frowning at the sight of icicles which hung from branches.

She held out her arm and grabbed one that hung from a branch above as she passed, it snapping off. She brought it to her face and admired the cold rock-like substance in her hand, feeling the edge. It was sharp so she retracted her hand quickly, rolling her eyes and tossing it with a lack of interest. "Tch." She spat as it landed in the snow.

Leafy was so quiet.. Liy wasn't too sure what to talk about. Liy hadn't been feeling herself lately but didn't want that to show or anything.. she was usually more talkative than this - and humorous. Ever since that run in with Barfbag and the idiots she had thought heavily about what happened.. the more she thought about it the more answers she wanted to know.

"Donut has Fours powers"

But.. for how long? If Four had been dead all this time, that would be no shocker to anyone. But for Donut to have had those powers this whole time? It.. it didn't make sense.. it didn't SOUND right.

Liy assumed at least some point in time in everyone who was in the bsse liked Two. Was that not the case? She thought hard about what it used to be like.. well, other than Stapy everyone seemed to be fine. Except the prisoners too but they were all on Fours side.

So why was Twos own side turning against them? She understood why Fours side didn't like Twos side, duh, it was a war, that's why she killed the guys in the lab. But her head hurt.. something wasn't quite fitting right. Ugh.. what was happening? If we did this all for Two, then why had mostly everyone died or escaped? And the ones that weren't dead, half of them were plotting against Two anyways.

Donut and Gelatin were probably up to something because of how close they were and her given info about Donut, and Barfbag, Loser and Yellowface were doing some weird shit too. That left herself, Balloony, Leafy, Puffball and Bell. That was.. not a lot. She never knew of Puffball and Bells motives, but she knew they just did what Yellow said. There were truly only 4 of them left that supported Two.

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