87: The truth comes out eventually.

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"S-Snowball, look.. can we talk?" Lightning rubbed the back of his head wearily, his eyes directed over to the rest of the group to make sure none of them were listening. Fanny seemed to be glaring at the fire they set up while she sat close enough to endure its warmth, while Match and Pencil gossiped with each other and mildly laughed, trying to keep up their mood even after Ruby and Flower died. Book was sleeping, her body leaned against a log as the fires glow lit up her body, revealing her mild marks in its light.

"Excuse me?" Snowball had been half paying attention, turning over to Lightning. He had been thinking about something else, so was confused on what Lightning wanted and didn't really have much of a good guess. He crossed his arms "Uh..suree?"

Lightning kept looking back at the group nervously, before turning his attention back to Snowball. He fiddled with his hands, floating downwards mildly so that they were closer and Snowball would be able to hear him better. "I.. I know now is like, a super bad time to say this but.. uh, " he looked visibly nervous .. seeing him so worked up made Snowball feel the same because what was he going to say??? The area was mildly brightened by the fire they made but Lightning was his own source of glow, so he was easy to see regardless.

"I..I don't knoww! I.. just, " he held his arms, looking down at the ground. "Ughn..this is really difficult for me to say." Lightning mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"It'suh, fine. Go ahead."

Lightning glanced back over to him weakly, peering over at the other object and trying to gather the courage for what he wanted to say.. "..It's just... I didn't wanna like.. tell you yet. But uh... I might never get the chance to.. because of all of this."

"O-Oh?" Snowball un-crossed his arms.

"I..I .. I feel something for you. Like- uh, I.. I feel closer to you than I should.. Uh, jeez, this is really awkward.." he groaned, clearly feeling embarrassed from telling him that. He was unsure on how his friend would react, anxiety growing in him as he waited for his reaction. "D-Do you get me?" He hopefully asked.

"Wait, really?" Snowball caught on, kind of startled at the information. Wait, Lightning LIKED him? In a .. different way? He wasn't sure how to react, or what to say. "I-..I mean-" he felt awkward, he hadn't seen this coming at all. He had never got that impression from him.

"G-Guys-" Fanny suddenly interrupted them, breaking into their conversation and cutting Snowball off. "W-We need to go! NOW! That stupid team Free Food is here!! Didn't you see what they did to half of Death Pact?!" She hissed, glaring up both of their faces for a reaction. Lightning flinched, tensing up and letting his arms fall to his sides "W-Wait what?? R-Right now? Right here-?"

The three jumped as Book screamed, turning over to where the sound came from. Pencil was yelling and putting up a fight against Marker, trying to push him into the fire. He yelled, falling backwards right by the fire as Pencil stumbled and knocked him down with her weight. She stamped on his head and made his cap come off, kicking it into the flames that roared ever so closely to him, it was surprising he hadn't begun to melt. She went to attack him further but was swiftly swooped up by Fries, who held her in both hands and swung her around to a rock, whacking her to death on it.

"PENCIL!!!" Match screamed and covered her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. Book was horrified, Fanny stepping backwards. "L.. Lightning, do something!!" She yelled at him, him nodding quickly "S-Sorry!-"

He was devastated at the sight of Pencil being whacked to death, flying over and trying to zap Fries. He made his way to the other object and did his magic, looking away from Pencil. Fries started to get electrocuted, dropping Pencil in the process while he yelled from the pain. Match fell to Pencils side on her knees, but she was dead.. she felt herself begin to cry, covering her face.

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