22: Radio signals.

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"Tb!" Robot Flower called as as she kicked open the door to the medical room, her having predicted that he was there, in which he was.

"What is it-?" He was startled by her sudden entrance, pushing up his glasses. Tv was still off, and he had yet to be switched back on. She was a little distracted by seeing him like that, so took a moment to reply "What-, oh. I wanted to ask something..." she went to shut the door.

Basketball wasn't there, so it was just the two of them. Tennisball didn't reply, as he assumed she would keep going and ask the question. She cleared her throat "... So.. Tv is like, being controlled.. and its another Mechanical Mind.. but" she looked to the side "Do you know from where exactly?"

He raised an eyebrow "O-Oh? Well.. I'm not really that sure, but I could find out if you like" he smiled "It shouldn't be that hard, tracking down where the signal is coming from..its strong enough to be detected .."

She felt happier "Thank goodness! I wanted to find out and then go find them " she growled suddenly "I want to know who is doing this to him."

He bit his lip "O-Oh.. ?? That's..well, what would you do once you find them?"

"Not sure.. that's future Robot Flowers problem " she shrugged, putting her hands on her waist.

Tennisball frowned "Isn't it a bit.. dangerous to go without a plan? Nevermind.." he sighed "I could create a sort of tracking device that locate the signal location.. though it won't be done until tomorrow " he told her "Uhm, also..there was something I've been meaning to tell you."

She tilted her head, "What? Sure, spill the beans" she sat down on the bed Tv was on. Tennisball gathered some of the things he had been using on Tv to work on him "Well.. I tried to find out how long this signal has been interfering with Tv..and," he looked at her "..Its been.. a while. At least a few days after.. this all started. Maybe 3-4. Tv has been overtaken by this.. thing for quite some time. I don't know what that exactly means, b-but! I wanted to tell you."

She stared at him in silence for a moment. "What-?" She didn't know how to reply.. how to react. That was.. it was.. "What the fuck do you mean?! Are you telling me all this time someone could've been.. I don't know, listening through Tv of something?!"

Tennisball winced "I-It isn't my fault!!" He wailed, stepping away from her "I-I don't know the possibilities yet.. I'm sorry!!" He panicked, crouching a little. She growled "This is just great! Uguuhgg... I need to go find Roboty and tell him about this shit" she muttered, tense as she felt herself twitch with anger.

She looked back at Tv "..Don't worry.. I'll find out who's been doing this to you.." she mumbled, going to place a hand on the top of him. She looked at Tennisball "How long until you make it did you say?"

He looked back at her, done with his cowering session "U-uh.. about, 12 hours.. some time tomorrow.." he stammered, averting his eyes away.

She nodded, before turning around "..Ill see you then,.." she growled, furious at the thought of someone having messed with her friend for so long. How did she not notice? Why had she only realised now? She wondered if even Tv himself was aware of such.

She went to leave the room and close the door behind herself, growling a little at the thought.

Tennis ball sighed nervously as she left, going to gather up all the equipment and look over at Tv. He would hopefully manage to find some way to block the signal.. because whatever these people were doing they had intent to keep doing it, for sure.


After lunch, everyone had went back to their duties. The members of Free Food that had left had returned without any sort of findings, which disappointed Two. They were growing more impatient of everyone's work. Even if Saw had just been executed, there was a whole lot more to go.. and Two wouldn't stop until he was done.

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