18: Secrets reveal themselves.

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Price Tag made their way back over to the Weaponry section. Anchor had gone to lay down, which they found strange. They hoped he was okay, because he didn't seem it.

As they made their way downstairs into the area, someone spoke "Is that Tv??" Robot Flower suddenly ran up to the door, groaning as she was greeted with Price Tag instead.

"Jeez, you're kind" they made a face that motioned sticking their tongue out. Why'd you ask, anyways?"

"He's missing, again" Tree grumbled, his arms crossed. "He did this yesterday too. Robot Flower, aren't you supposed to be friends with him or something??" He stated. She growled "Shut it Tree! I don't have to watch over him every single fucking day. But its super annoying! What is he even doing?!"

"Dunno.. did you get to talk to him at lunch yesterday? Since he didn't turn up to his job.." Naily commented.

She shook her head "No, I didn't. He didn't turn up! I went to see him later but he said he was tired. He said something really weird..too.."

Gaty was saying nothing. She couldn't believe what happened earlier. Everyone had been used to the killing and passing so it wasn't.. that much of a shock.. it was just.. normal. But Saw was specifically close to her, and to see her helplessly lose her life was... well it hurt.

"Its getting on my nerves!" She crossed her arms "It's not like I can talk to anyone about it either, since I don't want him to get into trouble..."

Pt walked down the remainder of the stairs "If you're so worried, then why don't you just go look for him?" They walked up to a bench as they said their remark. Rf glared over at them "Uhh, I'm not worried! Thank you! I'm just .. curious "

Tree shrugged "Well.. I could come with you to go look for him. Its better than going on your own, I wouldn't want you getting accused of anything, especially since we're in weaponry.. and well, after what happened with the weapons, it would seem suspicious" he rubbed the back of her head.

Robot Flower was conflicted "Mrgrgh.. Fine! Only because you won't stop nagging me. Come on, sap for brains, maybe he's hanging out with Roboty or something, that slacker" she huffed, walking to the stairs.

Tree frowned "Don't call me that, its rude. I wouldn't call you.. scrap metal, or something" he complained, following her.

"See you soon!" Naily called, Tree looking over to her and waving as he followed Rf up the stairs.

"That nickname is really uncreative, by the way" Robot Flower mocked. Tree glared "Did you know, uncreative is not a word" he grinned a little.

She groaned "Jeezzz, what are you, a dictionary? I don't need your input" she closed the door to the Weaponry area as they left it, following Tree instead of him following her.

"Be quiet. Where do you plan on looking for Tv anyways?"

"Well...he could be at the lookout towers.. but it isn't Robotys shift yet.. so, perhaps Robotys room? Or his own.. but why would he be either of those places.." she groaned "See! Its fucking weird! Don't you agree Tree?!"

He raised an eyebrow "..Why, yes .. it is quite peculiar...since he hasn't exhibited this type of behaviour before. This happened yesterday too.. so" he kicked some trash that was on the floor as they passed the cafeteria. "Do you think.. maybe he left outside?"

She glanced to the direction of the doors ro the exit. "Out there? I mean.." she looked over at Tree "Why would he even do that?"

"Beats me," Tree clicked his fingers "Oh! Wait, the main teams security room! You know, the place with all those camera-y bits. Theres gotta be some sort of footage of where Tv left after, right??"

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