36: Milkshakes!

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"Donut!! Donut!!" Gelatin waved his arm around frantically to get his attention, trying to catch up with him as he was on his way to his room, his hand barely hovering over the handle before Gelatin had interrupted.

Donut was currently having a break. Two said he was up to important business and had to do it alone, so Coiny and Donut could have some spare time to themselves.

Donut thought he would just catch up on some rest, so frowned when Gelatin began calling his name from the other end of the hallway.

"Heyy!! Why did you ignore mee." He caught up, panting before pouting. "You in a bad mood or something?? Like always " he teased.

"I'm just on my way to rest. Two is busy.." Donut grumbled. After yesterday this was the first time him and Gelatin had talked.. he still had mixed opinions on what occurred, but it mostly stressed him out.

"Well! Now I'm hereee~" Gelatin chimed childishly, pushing his way into Donuts room "Come in!" He sneered.

Donut rolled his eyes and just decided to follow. He closed the door behind himself, watching as Gelatin bounced back onto his bed, it creaking in response to his movements.

"Sooo .." he leaned on his front and used his arm to hold himself up "I've got some exciting newss!"

Donut gave a worried look "Good in yours eyes or good in general? Both are different." He muttered, sitting on the bed.

Gelatin rolled his eyes and sat up "Stop being salty." He poked him in the face, Donut attempting to swat his hand away but failing. Gelatin giggled at this.

"Sooo.." he rocked his body "This morning I was out testing my new super cool powers, and I managed to lift a branch!" He cheered excitedly "Not only that..but.." he leaned closer "I teleported! Not sure ..er, how to control it yet but.. I did!" He decided not to mention Fries.

Donut hesitated "Wh-What? You.." he looked away to the side, a little hurt on the inside "I mean..well.. that's great.." he muttered.

Gelatin squinted "Heyy.. I thought you'd be more happy! I can get powerful really quickly, and that's a big help right??" He smirked "Imagine the things I can do with teleportation! I could help the prisoners.. so many possibilities!" He nudged him eagerly, but Donut still seemed bothered.

"Yeah..its great." He shuffled, avoiding looking at him. Gelatin pouted "Okay, I'm officially offended. Why are you so miserable about it?? It's a good thing!! Right??"

Donut sighed "Yes, its very good. It's great.. really. You're learning... so fast.. it'll be good for defense and saving the others.." he trailed off "..It's just.."

"Just what??" Gelatin gave him an upset look, frowning "Tell me.." he whined, rocking impatiently.

Donut glared, unamused "You're..stronger than me ..already. You learned so fast.. I've tried so much and so hard but I still can't teleport anything. You have only HALF of Twos power. I have.. all of Fours and I can't even control it properly.."

"..Aw.. Donut.."

He huffed "Do you know how helpful revival powers would be?? It would practically save everyone.." he held his arms "But I can't even do that. Everyone is depending on me.. and I'm doing terrible. Just..look at you."

Gelatin huffed "Well! Fours powers ARE weaker, remember? Perhaps when they were passed on, they became even weakerrr??"

Donut twitched at the thought. Gelatin quickly awkwardly laughed "O-Or! Uu-uhh.. revival is harder to learn than the other powers?? Maybe you've been learning teleportation wrong too.. I teleported myself! You've tried to teleport others to YOU..."

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