148: It will all be over soon.

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The sudden news of Blackholes powers had caused the low mood to raise, even just in the slightest.

It was the next day, the group were going through crates that had been retrieved from the underground, still having ones to sort through to find any weapons for the future attack. Though, they were powerful already with Gelatin and Firey both having varied abilities. Firey had been trying to get better at controlling Fours abilities, which was extremely hard.. he hadn't really gotten anywhere, and it was difficult with Clock always on his mind.

He did feel bad.. but he knew the guilt would simmer out.. just with time.

That was the case with everyone. Of course moods were down after the day before; it seemed better today but the impact of Clock being dead was definitely lingering.

It could have been any of them..

They knew that this couldn't drag them down, though. Clock wouldn't have wanted that either.. and although Coiny and Eraser were doing better handling his death than yesterday, Blocky was not. Blocky was even worse than when he had lost Woody, and despite Golfballs attempts to talk to him and comfort him he was dry.. he clearly didn't want to be talked to.

Well.. acted like that.

They just had to pull their minds together and focus on the plan. Nobody had spoken much of Four either, maybe because they weren't ready to, but as a group it seemed like a sore spot and things would get really awkward if the topic ever shifted to the numeral. That didn't mean people weren't happy for Blackhole, though. Of course they were, they just did so without mentioning Four whatsoever.

"This one is full of fucking bullshit, too!" Jr insulted the crate, glaring inside of its worthless contents as he balanced on the edge, his small body able to be held up by the wooden box. He glared critically over to Golfball, furrowing his eyebrows at her as if she could magic up some weapons inside of it. She glared back at him.

"What do you expect me to do?! We have to pick the crates at random, so unfortunately it's inevitable that we get useless ones, too!" She retorted snappily, almost in offense. Jr scoffed sassily, huffing and hopping down from the crate, stumbling on his landing.

"Can't you fucking check it or something before we bring it up?!"

"They will be too unstable to carry once opened. What kind of horrendous question is that??" She seethed, bothered by his attitude.

"Dude, this is shit! How the hell are we gonna attack Rubber Spatula with like, styrofoam fucking cups?! Why the hell do you even have this in a crate?! We haven't found anything GOOD yet!!" He was getting frustrated, a sound of anger escaping his mouth before he delivered an aggressive kick to the crate. Lollipop watched with pity, her arms crossed while she looked down at the smaller object.

"Oh, don't be that way. We couldn't guess what was inside.. " her words trailed off, her hand drawn inside the crate so she could grab one of the objects, picking up a small transparent ball between her fingers, eyeing it up close to her face; it was marble. "I am.. fairly unsure as to why this crate is filled with so many random things, though, and none of them are any use to us..."

"They ARE organised!! Just in ways that your petty little brain wouldn't UNDERSTAND!!" Golfball boomed back, not genuinely angry so Lollipop wasn't too bothered by her defensive behaviour. Tennisball lingered by her side, his eyes drifting side to side as her loud voice gained attention.

"C-Come on, Gb. It's okay." He reassured with an awkward smile, mildly intimidated by her sharp stare.

"Guys! We found a bunch of sporting equipment!" Pen suddenly exclaimed and waved his hand excitedly in the air, trying to motion for everyone come over. Golfballs interests were peaked, perking up and marching over. She was followed by the rest of the group, as well as everyone else who were looking in some other crates. Mostly everyone, at least.

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