17: Blackmail is always effective.

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"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean.. who knows what he's doing at any given time? We might get caught.."

"Seriously? I doubt that very much."

"Well.. if he does, what if he gets killed?"

"Yeah, what if? I-I never thought of something like that. Then what?"

"You guys worry too much! Stop being a bunch of pussies and just lead him to wherever those captives are.."

"Not right now. Look, theres an execution happening. I wouldn't want to make him leave during that"

"Jeeeez, " ... "Okay! Okay.. sorry.."

"Good. Enough with everyones worrying and complaining... lets just do this, please"


"Isn't it sweet? Now we can protect ourselves from those dicks. Man, they really roughed me up"

Woody and Blocky had been exploring around the area in hopes of finding anyone else THAT WASN'T on Twos side. Some people they could work with. But instead of finding someone, they found something.

It was an axe. A little worn, but in tact. Blocky was waking it around like it was nothing, grinning and throwing it into a tree "We'll be fine with that thing! And hey, maybe I'll be able to protect you instead, next time" he nudged Woody playfully. Woody responded by shyly playing with his hands, a small smile tugging at his face.

"You have a go. Can't be that bad " he grabbed the axe, wincing as he pulled it out the tree and stumbled back. "Go on, little guy" he handed him it.

Woody was hesitant, but grabbed it with one hand. That was a mistake, because he couldn't carry the weight. He used his other hand, it falling forward onto the ground, him trying to lift it.

Blocky snickered "I suppose I'll just have to be the one carrying it around then.." he took it back away from him, patting his shoulder "No worries! We'll find something for you eventually, so you don't have to be as scared."

Woody frowned, Blocky awkwardly laughing "Heyy, I didn't mean it like that. This can help us other ways too! It could help us make a shelter"

Woody thought about it slightly, before nodding "Uh huh.." he agreed with him. A shelter sounded alright.. but maybe they would need to find somewhere that wasn't so in the open. Free Food managed to find them fairly easily, so he didn't want that to happen again..

Blocky grabbed Woodys hand, smiling at him confidently as he began to walk off with him.


After the execution, Saws body had been disposed into the "pile" in a room that nobody was allowed to go into. You needed a special code, that was secured in the weaponry room.

Anchor had agreed to go visit Two with his friends to go..voice his concerns. He was.. well, they were all overwhelmed from what they had seen, but also baffled. They didn't think Two was capable of such.. violence. Of course, they had unconscious in the days of the war.

As soon as it was over, Two had left to his office. He had wondered where Donut had left to, pretty annoyed but had more important things on his mind. He had Coiny if he needed assistance, anyways. He was a little more helpful so.

Anchor reluctantly brought his hand up to the door of Twos office, Price Tag and Scissors by his side as they awaited for him to knock. With a small deep breath, he proceeded to knock, anxiety weighing up inside him. He didn't know why. He felt like he was doing something wrong, but he wasn't.

"Enter" Two called, sitting up from his chair as he had just finished marking Saw off from his sheet, explaining her death and where her body was in detail for reference.

Anchor pushed open the door, walking inside and glancing about the room. It was.. well, quite pretty. He heard the other two following behind him, awkwardly biting his lip as he walked inside "Um, hello.. I wanted to have a small talk? If that's alright.."

Two had already been aware that Anchor was more confident and intelligent than the other two. He was more.. aware. Open-minded almost.

Two raised an eyebrow slightly, observing the each of them. "Regardinggg?"

"Regarding the situation with our.. um, jobs. May I-"

"Sure, we can talk" he put his legs up on the desk "As long as the other two leave. Go on now, hurry along" he motioned his hand in a shoo-gesture.

They all looked at each other with concern. Scissors groaned "Well.. if that's what he wants.. we'll meet you outside, Anchor.." he said. Pt nodded in agreement "..Y-Yeah, goodluck.." they both turned around, Anchor waving slightly.

As the door shut, he heard the lock get turned. Anchor turned to Two in surprise "H-Hm?" There was a strange feeling of..foreboding.

Two sighed "You know.. I had a bad feeling about this. I was thinking earlier.. 'you know, I don't think this is going to work out, because you all clearly don't know how it works around here'.." he spat, standing up. Anchor hesitated to take in what he said "I-I.. Excuse me?"

"I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this.. but clearly, you and your friends don't understand.." he said through gritted teeth. Anchor backed up a little as Two was making his way over to him, nervous.

"You're bothered because of what happened to Scissors today, aren't you?" He said with lidded eyes, looking down at the object with his hands behind his back. Coiny was just watching this, stood with his sword in his hands.

He swallowed. "I-I am.." he mumured, feeling a little intimidated by Twos threatening behaviour. "I was wonderi-" .

"Too bad"


Two glanced over at him, tilting his head "..Did you not hear me? I said.. too bad.." he growled under his breath, his voice low. "..In my opinion..I don't think you're in much of a position to have a choice" he stuck his hand out, beginning to use his powers. Anchor grunted as he noticed Two was lifting him with them, staring at him in terror.

"You can't just chose what you want to do. You all belong to me and what I say goes.." he suddenly used his powers to throw Anchor across the room, harshly hitting him into the wall and denting it roughly. He fell with a loud thump, breathless as he couldn't even mutter a word in response to what Two had just said.. and done.

"Now, you're going to go back to your little friends, and tell them 'Sorry, but Two told me he can't change our jobs'. And if I find out you told them anything different, well.. " he slowly chuckled "..I don't think its going to be very pretty. Not for them, at least. You're probably okay with risking yourself, I know what you're like" his smile widened "So, it'll be them who dies. Not you. Maybe they won't even die.. maybe I'll imprison them..torture them, but they will suffer.. not you. "

Anchor was barely listening. He was trying to process and understand what was going on. It was such a huge change in Twos behaviour.. and not just that, blackmail? He felt sick thinking about it.

"Glad you agree." He unlocked the door with his powers "Now, please leave. I have buisness to take care of" he moved back over to his chair, sitting back in it with a thump.

Saying nothing, Anchor left quickly, terrified to even be in Twos presenc, closing the door behind him, staring at the floor. Pt looked at him "Well? What happened?"

Anchor glanced at them, forgetting they had waited.. "H-Hm?.. Oh, um..I.. I'm not feeling very well. I'm going to lay down, okay? Don't worry about me, just go back and.. do.. stuff " he looked away, hurrying off.

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