26: At what point is 'too late?'

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"How long have we been out here?" Tree asked, his arms crossed as he followed the group, looking around the forest. He hadn't travelled this far out for a long while. It was quite risky, in some sense. Its not like their group was very combat-skilled, so if they came across anyone willing to fight them that could be a problem.

Robot Flower shrugged, walking alongside him "3..4 hours? Not that long. We still have.. a really long way to go." She earned a groan from him in response "You better not be dragging me into something dangerous " he muttered.

She smirked "Reeellax. You'll be fine. Ypu should worry more about what's happening back home.." she said, a little more harshly. She wanted to try and keep her mind off her friends.

Needle rolled her eyes "Lets not talk about this again. What time do you think it is?" Sne looked at the sky. Nickel shrugged "M-Maybe.. dinner time.." he had still been hearing the ticking inside of his head, and it was beginning to really frustrate and stress him out, so talking of time wasn't ideal.

Anchor carried the bag of supplies.. he had been thinking a lot about the radio connection he heard. If his judgements were correct and that was Onigiri, Leek and PDA, and if what they said was true.. why would some of the debuters attack Two? I mean, its not like they would've been aware of his true colours,  like Anchor. So, what was the reason?

Most of the debuters liked Two. So, what happened? Did they just.. realise the situation? Not appreciate the whole war thing? See what he was really like through the eyes of Tv as they were controlling him?

"I hope Two doesn't mind us leaving too much.." Needle spoke, rubbing the back of her head anxiously "I would hate to annoy him.."

Anchor looked over "H-Hm? Right.." He didn't know if Twos reaction would be positive or negative. Especially over Anchor himself.. but, he just really wanted to be able to see his friends. Any possible chance..

Robot Flower sighed "We can't be fussing about Two! He should thank us- what we  are doing benefits him. I guess" she growled "I just want to know who thinks they can get away with controlling my friend like that... "

"Oh right, we still don't know how? Or ..who" Anchor muttered, adjusting the bag as he held it over his shoulder "Any ideas?"

Rf shook her head, kicking a small branch "No.. Remote is 100% dead. Even if they brought her back to life, ..I -.I know her injuries wouldn't be enough for her to be completely alive.." She glanced off at the thought, Tree going to hold her shoulder "Its okay.. we've all lost someone.."

She looked over at him "Who do you miss?" He perked up in surprise, looking around "M-Me? Well.. Remote, too.. Blackhole, mostly.. I was on good terms with Blocky and Pen, Pillow.. quite a few.." he mumbled "But.. they're..gone? I suppose. Maybe they're out there.. but.. I don't think I'm going to get that privilege of seeing them.."

She frowned "..Sorry.. " He shook his head "It's fine. Theres.. still friends at home, but.. I don't know what happened.." he mumbled. He was mostly referring to Liy. How could she..?

Nickel rolled his eyes "Ugh. Tell me about it.. Front Row pisses me off.." he complained. "What's wrong with them?? Everyone's changed.."

Needle frowned "Y-Yeah.. I get that.. Coiny and Pin were.. both my friends but.. it's quite strange now.." she laughed awkwardly, looking off.

They all went a little quiet. Getting the chance to talk about everyone they lost back at home was.. difficult. Especially with the others lurking. But without that surveillance, they could talk about their dead and missing friends with no repercussions.

Rf sighed "..It's all messed up. Badly.. we have to keep going, though. For our friends..who knows? Maybe we'll come across someone.." she suggested.

Anchor smiled lightly "That's the spirit. There's no harm in looking forward to the future, right?"

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