37: Curiosity kills the cat.

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Golfballs group was straying a little further from her base than expected, but that was okay. They had been out for a while, just exploring and trying to find anything useful.

They had come across two corpses on the way, ..Cake and Book. They decided they wouldn't mention it to the others, as it would probably hurt Lollipop even more finding out that Book was dead, too.

Despite this, they had decided to keep going. They had found nothing of interest just yet, staying on guard just in case they ran into some unwanted guests.

Firey was around the area too. After the run in with Fries earlier this morning, he had been feeling a little better over the whole thing. That didn't mean he didn't still feel lonely though. Weak, and stupid for not listening to them.

He regret it so much. The guilt overwhelmed him but... he had to stay strong. If he actually wanted to change this instead of giving up, he would have to ..battle his feelings.

The group was around, Golfball being weary, but leading them nonetheless. Blocky was dragging a baseball bat along the ground "..We haven't even found anyone yet. Maybe we should go back.."

"Go back? We left merely hours ago. We can at least stay here for a couple more." She responded coldly. Woody whimpered in reply.

Blocky pat his back "Don't worry little guy. You'll be fine. I gotcha." He playfully nudged him, comforting him the best he could.

Bomby was taking time to observe the area around, on edge. He flinched as he brushed past a branch, pushing it away awkwardly ".. We have to go back by lunchtime, remember?" He warned.

"Ah..yes." Blackhole jumped in "I-It would be wise to not stay out erm.. for much longer. I fear we'd be in a lot more danger.."

Pillow giggled playfully "Awww, Blackholee! You always care so much for everyoneee!"

"Hm? But I didn't bring it up, Bomby d-"

Golfball grumbled "Fine." She complained, interrupting him "Let's have a break, then we can get back home. I'm sure the others would appreciate us taking such safety procedures. " she turned around to them, standing straight. "Group, go rest!" She demanded.

Blocky raised an eyebrow "You don't gotta be so firm with everyone. We're resting, its not an order." He snickered playfully, going to pat her head.

She glared up at him. His comfort reminded her of someone.. special. She didn't like that. "Keep your hands off me." She spat, stepping back to avoid his touch.

Bomby sighed softly, and went to rest by a tree "Who knows.. maybe someone will come across us instead?"

"That might not be a good thing." Blocky shrugged. Woody shuffled close to him "Mgh.."

"Ooooo~ look at these pretty flowerss!" Pillow chimed, leaning onto her tip toes to enjoy their scent "They're so pretty!"

"Ah..yes, they are." Blackhole would smile if he could "..Perhaps you would like to take one back?"

She shrugged "Eh, they look tasty." He was caught offguard by her strange response "Like the bark from the treees.. you think they taste different to grass? How awfully strange." She poked at them.

"I-I wouldn't really-"

"There's more, ooo!" She skipped towards more bushes that had the flowers, smiling and giggling to herself as she wondered off to go explore the plants.

"Pillow! Don't-" Blackhole sighed in defeat as she wondered off, looking back at everyone else "Guys I-"

"Blocky! Don't be so stupid, we can't just climb a tree in defense! How do you expect me to CLIMB when I have no arms?! Are you dense?!"

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