8: A little bit of pain never hurt anyone.

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Gore warning

Basketball had decided.. finally. She had decided that she would definitely, at least maybe once.. go out to the forest and see if she could help anyone..

Of course that was hard to get away with, but her excuse to Two was that she needed some fresh air. He trusted her, especially after she had fixed up the debutors and all.

She was told she had to be back by a certain time though, ready for Nickels surgery. The front row was doing the other surgery on the others before that.

She was walking around the forest, close to the edge.. well not really the edge.. just close to where base was. She did need fresh air.. honestly.. but she was more over hoping to find anyone that was struggling.

She hummed a bit, looking around wearily. The thing was she didn't know how well they would react to her.. since she was well.. on Twos side.

She hoped they wouldn't be startled... she wanted them to know she only wanted to help them. Thats what she had always wanted to do ...

It was around 4pm, so it wasn't dark yet. It was close to the verge, but not yet, so it was rather easy to see around without trouble.

She suddenly hesitated, going quiet as she heard something ... it was faint, and hard to make out what the noise exactly was but...she wanted to go towards it. Who knows what it could be..

She was interested, heading over to where she thought it was coming from. It was hard to stay focused, especially since it was really faint.

She didn't know what it could exactly be.. maybe it was an animal.. or people talking.. maybe it was nothing. All the thoughts ran through her head, spotting something in the distance that made her speed up..

As soon as what she had been hearing came into view, she paused.

She was..really... surprised. She was shocked by the sighte, a little taken aback as she slowed down her walking, almost just trying to take it in. Quietly, she approached it.

"S-Snowball-.." she murmured barely, just genuinely...

Snowball was led there, groaning in pain as his leg was trapped in a bear trap, of course being one that Free Food had put down. They liked to scatter them around and try to catch anyone lurking.. then come back later and kill them.

She knew that if she didn't do anything he would be left for dead.. he would be another person to just be crossed off the list of targets.. she was surprised to see someone like him trapped and in pain.. startled as he suddenly flinched at the sight of her

He hesitated, knowing she was from the opposite side. He squirmed more, making it dig in harder. He grunted over that, looking away "H-Here to put me out my fucking misery?" He growned, gripping the grass in pain.

She tried to gather her words, just overwhelmed by the sight "Wh-what-? N-No! Thats not why I'm-!"

"Get the hell away from me-" he spat shakingly, just being defensive. He didn't trust her at all, trying to back away as she drew closer

"Please stop moving-, i-it'll only hurt worse-"

"You just want me to stay still so you can kill me! Please just leave me alone.." he whined, gazing to the side afterwards. He was in a tremendous amount of pain, not being able to handle it for much longer. He had to act stronger now that she was here, showing weakness would be a mistake.

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