134: Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.

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After Loser returned from the forest with the others, he went straight back to Barfbags room, where she was busy trying to sort out their plans for the future. Since Donuts powers were.. missing, they could either get Gelatins or look for who took them. Either way, they needed to devise a sort of new plan.. since everything was fucked up because of Liy. Liy had done more than she intended to do.. things were so muddled up that Barfbag wasn't even sure if they could stick to their original plan at all anymore.. they needed more time.

She was frustated and stressed, and Loser could see when he came in so they decided to take a break together, since they were doing a lot of work around this and needed a breather. Barfbag just kept telling herself it would be worth it.. yet neither of them were prepared for the approaching nightmare that was the news of the note, the news they were yet to discover. They didn't know it right now, but that note was the reason they were going to have to start their plans from anew afterall.

Loser had his legs neatly crossed while he was perched atop of Barfbags bed, his hands held together gracefully as he kept a straight posture. "How are we going to even DEAL with Liy." He seethed in question, tapping his finger against his hand impatiently. "You keep saying we should keep her alive but.. all I want is her death." He spoke with gritted teeth halfway through his sentence, angered by the mere thought of her. "She has caused us NOTHING but problems.." he spat in detest, shaking his head in disbelief. He didn't understand why Barfbag kept insisting to let her live.

"It's not about what we want, it's about what we need. And we need her around.." Barfbag explained maturely as she sorted through her desk draw, not looking at the crystalised cube while she stood by it and fished her hand inside. Loser growled at this, swiftly turning his head away from her resentfully.

"But WHY? She serves no such purpose to us now. She isn't even strong anymore. She will do more use buried in the ground than she is breathing the same air as me." He nastily insulted, keeping his gaze elsewhere. He flinched however as Barfbag held something in front of him, making him turn around in confusion from her unexpected gesture.

She was smiling lowly, gripping a folder in her hand and waving it enticingly in Losers face. He failed to understand, raising an eyebrow boredly while lifting a finger to push it away from his face. "What are you doing, Barfbag."

"Ugh, just READ it!" She shoved it into Losers body, him wincing and snatching it out of her hands grudgingly. "DON'T do that." He warned carefully, his eyes falling to the opening flap of the folder afterwards. "It.. says.. Liy?" He observed, but it sounded like more of a question.

"It's LIYS file. The one in the basement. I took it after Liy left that while ago.. and, I haven't shown you it yet but.. you gotta read it." She tapped it with her finger to push her point, noticing Loser looked annoyed, probably because she was only telling him this now. "Whatt?? Don't be like that! You'll thank me once you read it, and it'll answer your stupid question, too." She claimed, moving back and crossing her arms.

Loser couldn't help but be skeptical, sighing heavily in defeat before dramatically yanking the flap open with attitude, emptying out the folder onto the bed beside him by shaking it upside down with his two hands. There was.. a lot more papers in there than he expected, watching them slide and scatter along the sheets as they spilled out. He furrowed his eyebrows, setting down the folder beside him.

He reached for one of the papers, the one with the most text, then the others gradually, hoarding them in his hands.

And then he proceeded to read them, one by one.

Original Liy is deceased, as far as I know. I'm not sure, I wasn't the one to shoot her.

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