47: Explosive emotions.

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Fries had searched throughly throughout the building for his group. They didn't seem to be anywhere they usually were - such as their rooms, the spare areas, the cafeteria, roof.. and that made him nervous. He had been jogging up and down the stairs, asking those who passed.. until he finally went to the entrance of the building.

The group has accumulated in a bundle around the front doors to the building. Two was there as well, causing him him swallow anxiously. "Oooh dear.." He muttered under his breath, exhaling and putting his shovel over his shoulder before making his way over slowly. He hoped to just creep by and blend in so they wouldn't notice, but that was way to much to ask for.

"Fries!" Two snapped suddenly, making him jump. Two turned over to him as he slowed down by the group. "Where in the world have you been!? I've just heard the news.. is this true?!" He boomed, glaring at him for a response.

Fries suddenly felt everyones eyes on him. What if they knew he was lying..? "I'm.. sorry sir. He-"

"Why didn't you stop him?!" Two roared, suddenly powering up his hand. He resisted the urge to step back in fear "Don't you understand the severity of the situation?! Stapy has ESCAPED! Right after we lost THREE OTHERS!!!" He yelled right at his face and stamped his foot down, causing the wooden boards to shake very slightly.

Fries took a moment to reply. For a split second he thought he was going to show a sign of fear, but didn't. He tried not to act suspicious "I was afraid that he was in a violent state, and would have killed me if I had taken it into my own hands"

"Could you not have attacked him with your shovel?" Yellowface added, clearly doubtful as he moved forward. Fries kept clinging onto his shovel with his hands, just for comfort. It always felt comforting.. "Marker is much stronger than I. Even you know that.. Yellow."

Yf squinted at him, not sure how to reply. He opened his mouth to speak and try to argue, but Two put his hand in front of him to stop him from saying anything.

"That's en-"

"Speak of the devilll..." Bell chimed, grinning and looking over to the doors as Marker pushed them open with his hand, peering inside hesitantlt. Bell let out a sigh, knowing things were about to go down. "Woo boy.."

Puffball rolled her eyes boredly "Jeez.. " she grumbled, surprised as she was suddenly pushed out of the way by Two, who glared at Marker with a deadly stare "How could you FREE STAPY?!!?" He powered up his hand again, unable to control his powers with his emotion.

Marker shook himself off from the rain, stepping inside and closing the door, completely unaware of the situation "Are you kidding me?! How could you guys LEAVE me out in the rain?! I was lost!" He hissed, clutching his fists in frustration.

Two stamped his way in front of him, fury overtaking him as he suddenly grabbed Marker within his hand, grasping at him violently. Marker was confused, gasping and squirming as he tried to hit at his hand. "Wh-What are you doing?!" He croaked

Fries watched, his breathing picking up without him even realizing. He felt shaken up, realising that if he had just made the wrong move..this would be him. He gulped at the thought of Two finding out about him stealing, him freeing Stapy..befriending and saving Firey..

His thoughts dispersed as Twos voice cut through them "Do you realise WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" Two brought him up to his face, Marker staring helplessly.

Fries couldn't look away. Two had never been this directly violent towards someone before.. not from his own side, anyways.

Marker tried to croak out words, unable to breathe as he was being crushed by Twos hand "I-I don't unders-g-" he coughed out, trying to gasp.

"Clearly not. Did you think I'd let you get away with this?!" Two roared in his face, gripping onto him with a scary amount of strength. The shouting had attracted the attention of some others from around the building, standing in doorways and at the top of stairs, watching fearfully and in confusion. The rest of Free Food were just as surprised but.. didn't show it.

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