132: Lies surfacing.

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Morning rose, and after the talk yesterday with Tree, Gelatin was feeling more confident than ever. Tree had really helped him feel more positive in himself, and understand that it was okay to be feeling the way he was. Gelatin really appreciated his help, and the two had talked for ages afterwards.. about Donut and Robot Flower mostly.. but Gelatin learned a few things about him, including details of when he was trapped in the warehouse. He had no idea Rubber Spatula was so psychotic.. and that Tree was electrocuted almost to death.

It made Gelatin feel closer to him.. though, and he felt like he was doing better at fitting in. Neither of them mentioned Liy though, Gelatin figured that wasn't really something to talk about just yet.

So when Gelatin woke up he was super determined to go out and look for Stapy and Firey. Golfball applauded his confidence and eagerness, inspiring herself even. Once they had breakfast, they sat around the area on the floor or on small boxes or objects, ready to plan their adventure.

"So we agree that Gelatin will be going, right?" Anchor checked while sat on top of one of these boxes, resting his leg since it had been hurting a lot more recently. Golfball nodded a few times in confirmation, agreeing on this while she sat on the grass. "Yes, I believe that Stapy and Firey will trust him more, due to their previous interactions with Donut and Fries. If Gelatin explains that Donut died and that we are here, I'm certain that they will understand and follow him back. You said they already know about Coinys amniesa, right, Gelatin?" Golfball turned her head to him, stern.

Gelatin nodded back, his legs up against his body while he too sat on the grass. "Yuuppp.. they do indeed. I'm prettyyy sure they have for a while.. so should be on board with like, helping us sort out Coiny n stuff." He informed, rolling his wrist in motion with his words.

"What are we even gonna do when we get Stapy and Firey??" Snowball questioned with his usual hoarse voice, his elbows propped up on his knees as he sat on a wooden box, frowning boredly. "Do we even have any sorta plan for what we're gonna do about Coiny??"

"We can discuss those details later. It would be wiser to plan that out when Firey is here with us..afterall" Lollipop hummed gracefully from the box she sat on, gazing across at Snowball at lidded eyes, who looked at her when she replied to him.

"Yeah.. i-it'll be better that way.. and easier for Firey to understand what he.. will ..have to do." Basketball awkwardly smiled from the floor, acknowledging this. "Let's decide that when the uh, time comes then."

"Well, Gelatin obviously can't go alone, right?? Who's gonna go with him??" Blocky brought this up as he lay on his front on the grass, curious to what Golfball had been thinking. Golfball smirked as she took this as an opportunity to ramble her thoughts, perking up. "Okay everybody! Pay attention to me!" She stood up proudly, closing her eyes. Clock rolled his eyes miserably, earning a snicker from Blocky.

She went to stand on one of the boxes. "For evident explanations, it's clear Gelatin cannot travel alone during this. He will be accompanied by a number of objects that will serve different purposes on his journey." She turned her attention to Gelatin, observing him carefully below her. "Well, I say objects, but for the sake of everyone here, I feel as if you should only take one with you."

"I beg your pardon?" Tree was almost offended "Are you purposely trying to get him killed? Why on earth does he have to take just one of us?" He snappily wondered aloud.

Golfball swiftly turned to him, sharply glaring at him. "BECAUSE I HAVE A PLAN!!! Which you have not yet HEARD. SO, pipe down." She calmly said the last part, contrasting the rest of her sentence?? She then turned back to Gelatin, able to see the mixed expressions of worry of everyones faces from where she stood.

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