106: Obsessed with power.

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"Well? What happened then?" Barfbag immediately provoked an answer from Loser as he entered his room, Yf perking up as he had finally arrived as the pair had been waiting for a considerable amount of time. "What took you so long? You arrived at the base ages ago." He shot at Loser, clearly annoyed from having been waiting so long.

Loser raised an eyebrow and swiftly shut his door with his hand, rolling his eyes at the other objects. "Hush now. I was busy dealing with Lightning. Have some patience, would you? I have barely RESTED ever since I've gotten back from that place." He complained, glaring at the other two passive aggressively as he clearly wanted some space.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Get to the more important parts. What HAPPENED back at the base?" Barfbag stood from his bed, crossing her arms impatiently. "Hey, wait, you're more injured than usual." She pointed out.

"Thanks for NOTICING. I was attacked by Bomby. Who died because of it." Loser smugly revealed, but was still annoyed about it. He was weaker and could get injured more easily thanks to the blows he took to the face. "Well, you already know about the deaths, and Lightning. "

"What is Two going to do with him?" Yf wondered. Loser looked at his hand with a smirk. "Hmm, basically replace what Stapy did ..as he left abruptly. Also since Lightning is more.. intimidated than Stapy was, he seems more willing to do whatever it takes to prevent being hurt. Lucky you, Yellow."

"Mm." Yellowface didn't seem too happy about that news, Loser squinting in confusion. He proceeded to look at Barfbag and clap his hands together once. "Well, I also noticed that Fries wasn't there.. at all. Which means that Donut didn't take him there.. or he just wasn't there at the time."

"He ..wasn't? That's annoying.." Barfbag speculated, going to slowly sit back on the bed again and let her mind wonder. "What do you think Two thinks of that.."

"Hmm..wouldn't know. Two never mentioned it." Loser shrugged, going to move over to the bed as well and relax. "I am so tired.. we didn't rest last night.." he yawned and rubbed his eyes, lying back on the bed.

Once he turned his body over, he looked over to Barfbag with a frown. "You know how we've been thinking about getting Liy on our side? I think we should do that. Her motivations are purely power.. I don't see why she wouldn't want to join us." He explained.

"Seriously? I thought YOU said you didn't like her." Barfbag reminded, glaring.

Loser groaned and turned away. "Beggars can't be choosers. I don't like you, but I'm stuck with you anyways."

She laughed in disbelief, watching as he sat up. "Hey! Watch yourself. I'm the one who's keeping us all together and out of trouble..." she sighed silently after calming down, looking off at the window. "Though..with Coiny now not an option, we'll have to find someone else to join us. We're too weak on our own."

"Did you ever consider what I thought?!" Yellow complained furiously, her flinching at his sharp voice. "I don't care." She shot back harshly, kicking him hard. She proceeded to look back at Loser and continue the conversation again before Yellow could say anything.

"You're right. We'll have to get Liy on our side-"

"Loser? Two needs to speak to you." Someone called from the other side of the door. Barfbag shot up in a reflexive manner and darted her eyes from left to right to find somewhere to hide. If someone saw her hanging out with Loser and Yellow they would think something was seriously wrong.. and suspicious. She rolled along the bed and thumped on the floor on the other side, hurting herself in the process as she stayed low to the ground.

Loser raised an eyebrow at Yellow, who signalled him with his eyes to go get it. Loser groaned and outstretched his arms on the bed as he lay, before standing and groggily walking to the door. "Whattt?" He hissed, pulling the door open roughly.

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