121: Time is ticking.

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1 day

The day passed and not much exactly occurred, of course the group in the cave talked more and more to spend their time while thinking of the future, wondering how it could turn out given their growing numbers and more likelihood to succeed in their plans. It was exciting to think of a normal future, due to everything that had happened in the last months it was a nice change... or just.. a nice thing to think about.. to finally have SOME hope.

Barfbag had discussed her interesting interaction that she had with Liy to Loser, dismissing Yellowface and showing no interest to include him..however he was getting more and more weary that he was being excluded. Loser had originally been annoyed that Barfbag tried to include Liy after that disaster.. if they blackmailed her he supposed it could work.

Donut had also noticed someone had been in his room, which kept him on edge. He found it at night while heading to bed, and informed Gelatin immediately at breakfast. Donut was worried it was Loser, but Gelatin had a different opinion. He didn't say this, though.. even though he had a feeling he should've. He was just hesitant to share his negative opinions on Barfbag to Donut because he knew Donut and her were friends.

So the day passed, and lead to the next. It hadn't snowed throughout that day, in fact the temperatures increased. Not by much, though, not enough to make the snow melt. However it rained instead of snowed, which was probably a good sign. It was still frustrating for those who couldn't go out in it.. but it at least worked at the snow and dissolved it.

The group in the cave were sharing food for the morning, deciding that Lollipop was okay not have any due to her object as she didn't get hungry. Golfball had taken charge of separating the portions of apple, which seemed like a good idea but due to her perfectionist tendencies it took longer than anyone wanted. They were all sat around as she barked out orders to Lollipop, who was helping her separate the apples into portions for each of them. Blackhole didn't need any either but.. this was clear anyways.

"No! You CAN'T put that piece with THIS piece because it'll leave the other one with less!!" Golfball boomed in a rage as if this were obvious while pointing her foot at the pieces, but from the way Lollipop was eyeing up the apple slices in her hand it hardly occured to her. "If you don't hurry, they will brown up.." Lollipop grumbled with lidded eyes, annoyed that she had to be the one doing this as she looked back over to Golfball.

Jr watched with amusement while he sat close by, sneering at her. Golfball was busy sorting through the pieces so didn't hear, Lollipop looking up and glaring. "Excuse me? Who carries you through the snow?" She shot, frustated with his snarky attitude. Jr backed up, standing up and putting his hands out in defense. "Okay okay!! Jeeezzz." He huffed, but couldn't help but smirk afterwards at her fate.

"How long is this going to take exactly..?" Tree sighed heavily, leaning back against the cave wall to keep himself warm as a gust of wind blew some of the hammering rain inside, it getting on the fire they had set up. Blocky shrugged passively, looking around at everyone to observe their states. "Not sure.." he murmured mindlessly, half paying attention to what Tree said.

Half of their group had fell back asleep, or was talking amongst themselves to pass the time. His attention was diverted to Clock, who was talking with Eraser across the small cave. Blocky felt himself smile at this... it made him happy to see Clock cheered up, mainly because he knew how much he was struggling with all of this.

Pen was asleep with Snowball so.. he didn't have either them to talk to afterall... might as well talk to Tree. He huffed and sat back down, slumping against the wall. Tree looked over slowly, raising a brow at him without amusement. "Last resort, am I?" He seemed to be joking, but he did sound offended.

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