30: Its been a while since we've talked, Blackhole.

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"Yeahh...I miss my friends.."

Firey, Cake and Book were on another expedition to look for any survivors they could help out. They had found themselves engaging in a conversation about the past.. sometimes it was okay to just...look back.

"Mm.. you and Coiny were close?" Book asked. She had her hands behind her back, walking in the middle of Cake and Firey. Cake just looked down and listened, involving himself occasionally.

"Yeah." Firey smiled weakly, looking down at the floor. He held his knife close "Me and Coiny had our ups and downs but... it was fun. Kinda wish I showed I cared when I had the chance.." he awkwardly laughed.

Cake looked over to him "..Nobody knew what was going to happen. Don't beat yourself up .." he tried to assure him.

Firey felt himself weakly smile "Yeah.. thanks.." He frowned and looked off "I still can't help but feel guilty. "No idea what that dick is up to now.. or why he's still there" he bit his lip at the thought "Like.. does he not care? Or is there more too it.."

Book averted her gaze over to him with concern "Oh.. what do you mean? As in..trapped or something?"

Firey sighed and nodded "Uh huh.. that's the case with a few others of my friends in that place.. but.. I guess everything is..different now" Cake thought about what he said.

"Y-Yeah.. for sure.." Cake whispered softly. "Who knows what's happening back there.."

Book rubbed the back of her head "W-Who can tell.. especially what happened with Free Food and Fries... "

"Do you miss your friends Book?" Firey asked her, looking at her with a soft gaze. She was surprised "Wh-What? Yeah.."

She thought about Saw "..Most of my friends are dead or.. lost in the forest. Lollipop.. Match, Bubble.. you know.." she rubbed her head "Icy died in the fire. The heat was inevitable to kill her.."

"S-Sorry.." Cake stammered "I-I can't imagine now you feel.. you've lost so many.."

Book shrugged "I guess I'm..lucky to be alive? Or not. I mean.. I miss Pin.. I know Match was the last of my friends to see her."

"Really?" Firey seemed surprised "How do you know that?"

"Match told me" Book muttered "After Icy died, I was in a group with all of the old group 'Iance'." She admitted. Cake raised an eyebrow, Firey quite shocked at this information.

"R-Really? What happened?" Firey questioned, visibly curious.

She shrugged "We were split apart due to all the fighting. Flower died first.. she was caught up in the fire and burned alive.." she sighed "It was horrible. After that, Ruby took her life.."

"R-Really.. Oh.. I'm..I had no idea." Firey glanced away. She exhaled. "It's fine. We met up with Taco after, but she ended up fighting against Liy to save us. Taco died.. "

They both stayed silent to listen, so Book continued "We talked a lot and Match was telling us how Pin and her had been split up. Pin distracted Free Food while she let Match run.. that was the last time she saw her. She believed she was taken by them, since her body wasn't there.."

"Really? I-I.." Cake thought about Clock "..M-Me and Clock went through a similar situation. Clock was caught by them and .." he frowned and looked away "Y-You don't need the details. I just.. never saw him or his body around.. so.."

"Do you think they're imprisoned?" Firey wondered "Why would they do that?"

Book shrugged "..I don't know. Two is sick.. don't underestimate him." She warned. "Well.. Match and Pencil ended up dying next.. that cliff was.. where it happened " she rubbed her head "Pencil was pushed off and smashed at the rocks. Match put up a struggle.. and was snapped in half instead. Me, Lightning and Fanny managed to escape, but.."

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