143: They will die. They will know.

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So with Golfballs permission, Liy was accepted into the group as long as she wasn't up to anything suspicious. The group was reluctant, some more than others, especially openly, but either way she was permitted to help. She owed it to Tree.. without his support she would have probably left without batting an eye. She knew Coiny was in safe hands now so.. why else did she need to be there? But Coiny was happy to see her okay, actually being the first to welcome her back.

Tree was still clearly on edge though with all the information he had learned today, keeping such a huge secret especially from Blackhole was going to be hard. He felt bad for lying.

The split was noticeable..and it was always tense or awkward when Liy was around. She felt guilty but.. she just hoped they would calm down around her eventually. Everyone near her was constantly tense or scared. Most, anyways. She had approached Pen last night to ask him to help her put out the fire and he screamed because she apparently "came out of nowhere" and "he wasn't expecting her voice".

That attracted attention, too. But.. what could she do. She couldn't whisk away their fear overnight.

So when night came they slept through it, bringing them to the morning. Today was straight forward.. they would start to prepare for the .. hardest task so far. Raiding Rubber Spatula.. it was difficult because they needed to come up with a complicated plan, Golfball was working on one but in the meantime she instructed the group to go look for supplies.. again. Gelatin and Stapy and gone out to scout, just to make sure they hadn't been followed yesterday, so they weren't there as of currently.

Also this morning, Two had now found Donuts body. And of course, they were enraged to find the powers nowhere in sight. This added to their current fury over Liy and Coiny, which was good for nobody at the base. Things were rougher than they had ever been.

Their main task now was to find who the fuck had Donuts powers. It was either that or, the note had lied. But there was too much evidence against that. Their other task was to find Liy. Two NEEDED Liy.

"We need as much as we can get! Have you not SEEN how little we have to protect ourselves? I know there are guns in that lab. We just need to find them." Golfball instructed the group demandingly, glaring at them conspicuously. Shampoo sighed heavily at her words.

"It's WAY too dangerous to go down there, no offense. There's no way after all of the pressure that it has endured, that it'll stay up for much longer. " He criticised, his hand on his waist sassily. "Given the fact the structure has dampened and burned.. I can't believe you even tried in the first place, you should know better than anyone! Guns are heavy, I'm surprised the group didn't die when carrying that gigantic swing up."

She was about to shoot some statement back at him, but Firey edged in. "Sh-Shampoo! It's fine. I'mmmm.. sure it can handle just one more trip.." he sheepishly grinned, playing with his hands. His words were unconvincing.

"You'd be surprised." Shampoo scoffed, bothered that Firey was trying to argue despite him not knowing a thing about how dangerous it was in there.

"But we NEED those fuckin' weapons. We're weak as shit right now, dude.. you don't expect us to be able to fight that guy like this, do you? I barely escaped him when he attacked me like a crazy bitch." Jr complained from atop of Lollipops head, showcasing Shampoo his blaster by outstretching his arm. "That dudes off his fucking rocker, and I don't wanna keep Naily waiting anymore."

"I KNOW he's crazy. I am a debuter, remember? And anyways, I've witnessed him first hand." Shampoo grumbled, fixing his jaw back into place. Fireys gaze softened. "You've talked to them before..?"

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