31: I don't know what to believe.

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Blackhole, Blocky and Pen has went down into the basement of Golfballs lab. This was the easiest place for her to hide, as there was many boxes.. crates, and other places to stay hidden.

Pen had taken a baseball bat, and Blocky had managed to find his axe. They assumed Liy had been the one to move it. Blackhole didn't have any weapons.

They had switched the dim light on, and were heading down the stairs that led into the basement. Pen was nervous, biting his lip "..Do you think she'll be down here?"

"Possibly.." Blocky gritted his teeth, gripping the axe "I'm not holding back. If we see her, we are killing her, got it?"

Neither replied.

"Oh come on!! I get it ..she's your friend. But not anymore. She's psychotic!" He complained "She's here to kill you.. so.."

"I.. don't want to stoop to her level." Blackhole gently replied.

Blocky rolled his eyes "You wouldn't be! You'd be doing everyone a favour. Murder isn't just murder. It can be self defense...revenge, anger, sadness.. or just for fun. That's why we are justified, because its for self defense, not for fun, like her." he grinned proudly.

Pen sighed "I know..I know.. but.." he groaned "I still.. mgh.."

He glanced to the side, "I don't think you'd get it. That's okay.." he huffed. He winced and almost slipped down the stairs, Blocky grabbing his arm and catching him "Be careful, jeez.."

Blackhole floated to the bottom, glancing around the dimly lit, large room. "She could be anywhere.." he muttered. Pen rubbed the back of his head "..Let's stick together.." he was just scared.. that's why he didn't want to leave them.

Blocky nodded and growled "Hey Liy! You gonna come out or what?? Or are you just going to hide.." he snarled, holding the axe above himself and leading.

Pen held the bat close and followed, Blackhole floating alongside him. Pen looked around the room, gulping at the sight of all the stacked crates and boxes.. she could be anywhere here..

Blocky growled to himself ".. Not so tough when you're overpowered, huh? How about you come out and fight us like the warrior you call yourself.." he snarled, gritting his teeth.

"You're just weak. You fight and imprison the starved and the hurt. You think you can win at a game that others don't even know they are playing? You're pathetic.."

No reply. Blackhole looked around as he floated, Pen sneezing due to the dust "Perhaps she isn't here.." Blackhole spoke.

"Oh.. I am.." they all jumped at her voice, holding up their weapons and looking around. "Where are you?!" Blocky shouted, his voice echoing.

"Ugh.. you're always so angry. Chill out.." she chuckled, her laughter bouncing off the walls of the large area. Pen gripped the bat tight for comfort "I don't like thisss.."

"If you're so strong, then fucking show me!" Blocky demanded, turning around to try and spot her "SHOW ME!!"

She suddenly jumped at him, tackling him to the ground. She tried to stab him, but he moved, her stabbing the floor. He quickly kicked her away, backing off "Finally came out, huh?!"

She snarled and gazed at him with sadistic eyes "You're so stupid..." she tossed the knife playfully ".. Leaving the door open all for me"

Pen shook his head "Why.. Liy..why are you doing this? Why can't you just stop?! I-I don't get it.."

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