73: Not so tough after all.

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"What are you doing, Book?" Lollipop slid across the bench to become opposite to the other object, having her head leaning on her arms as she grinned over at her curiously, a rather smug smile planted on her face. Book looked up barely with a raised brow, not pleased with Lollipops sudden intrusion. She had been writing something down on some paper, and clearly didn't want to be disturbed.

"Lolly, can't you go hang out with Taco or something? I'm busy." She grumbled, looking back at the paper and tapping her pencil against the wooden bench table. Lollipop took no hesitation in snatching the paper right from underneath her, holding it in both hands and swiftly turning her body to read it away from her.

"H-HEY!" Book yelled with wide eyes, climbing over the table desperately to grab it off of her. Lollipop grinned and quickly stepped away, Book stumbling across the table and falling over the other side, wincing as she fell face first onto the ground, groaning. Lollipop chuckled, putting a hand to her mouth.

"Dear Diary.. today I talked with Icecube... the conversation was a little dreary so I decided to go talk to Barfbag instead. She helped me find Bell and Puffball and honestly, they're really fun to hang out with." Lollipop looked over to Book, smirking "A diary? Dearie me, Book. I never thought you'd keep log of this."

Book grumbled and stood, brushing herself off. She proceeded to snatch the paper and fold it up. "Well, I am. Seeing Donut keep a log of his daily life kind of inspired me too.." she glared over at her. "Maybe I would've told you instead of you taking it away from me!"

"Hey hey, I'm impatient, what can I say, hm?" Lollipop grinned, putting her hands up in defense. Book scoffed and turned back to the bench, Lollipop humming "Well, it definitely needs some improvement. If the most important thing that you can think of that happened in your day is Bell, then you really do have a miserable life."

"Hey!" Book yelled, turning back to her and glaring at her smug smile. "For your information, it isn't SUPPOSED to be interesting. It's supposed to be accurate and.. it's supposed to provide a decent overview of my day and my life.. " she sighed.

"Why?" Lollipop was curious "What's the point of trying to remember every little detail about your past?" She sneered, Book frowning. "Sounds a little petty if you ask me."

"You're petty." Book snapped back, unable to think of another response. "You never know.. maybe you find yourself in a dark place and you wanna.. remember these things! I don't know!" She was clearly embarrassed, looking away as Lollipop chuckled.

"Are you just here to mock me, Lollipop? Go hang out with Gelatin or something if you're only here to frustrate me." Book grumbled in annoyance, turning back to the table and going to sit with an angry sigh.

Lollipop softened up, exhaling gently. "No.. I'm not here to annoy you.." she proceeded to join Book, sitting down next to her slowly, looking down at the bench. "I actually... came to talk to you for something else."

"Oh?" Book looked over to her curiously. "What?"

Lollipop looked away, swallowing softly. She didn't like how the situation suddenly turned serious, gripping her hands on the table and closing her eyes. "I.. I haven't.. been feeling great lately and I-"



Lollipop opened her eyes and stared as Fries was giving her a look of concern, mixed with confusion. She looked to her left and then to her right, not quite realising where she was for a few moments.. before getting it. She was sat alone in the storage room, having excused herself from everyone else. "Oh, Fries." She went to rub her eyes, they were wet, but she hadn't cried enough for tears to fall down her face. "What are you doing here?"

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