14: Keeping secrets.

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"Gelatin, this is serious!"

Lunch was almost over, and Donut was planning on heading back to Twos office in a few moments, but needed an answer to his question desperately.

Ever since ..what Coiny did.. he had been thinking and analysing why he would've done that. There was a lot of possibilities, but the only person (who he was aware of) who had some sort of concern for what Donut was up to, was Gelatin.

He needed to know if he had even gave Coiny the slightest hint. It really filled him with anxienty - the mere thought of getting found out.

It wasn't even anything bad, but it would be worthy of torture in Twos eyes. "Gelatin!"

"What??? Dude, I literally did nothing. You're overreacting, again." He groused, Donut clenching his fist.

They were outside the cafeteria, just by the doors of it for some peace and quiet. It would be too much hassle going all the way to one of their rooms to speak about this, and Donut wanted to do it as soon as possible, so doing it later wasn't an option for him.

"You're lying! Do you know how significant this situation is??" He lowered his voice a bit "My secrets??"

Gelatin raised an eyebrow, unamused to be robbed of his free time. He was leaning his body against the wall, his arms crossed "Yeah! I do! Which is why I wouldn't tell someone like freak Coiny"

"You're pathetic.." he hissed, rubbing his head with his hand as he looked away from him, jaded by the back and forth of the conversation "..This is useless.."

"It's probably for a different reason. I mean, ya think they put some sort of camera in your room or??" Gelatin noticed some trash, picking it up with his foot and kicking it in the air constantly, as if it was a football. Donut shook his head, looking back up at him.

"Of course not! Thats against Twos rules. Two wouldn't allow for that to happen - and where would Coiny have gotten a camera from??"

"I dunno?? And you know, what's holding Two back from breaking his own rules??"

"Wh-What?? What do you mean.." Donuts voice lowered a bit, curious of what the other meant. Gelatin sighed and leaned away from the wall, kicking the ball of foil away, letting it bounce to the floor.

"What I mean is, what if Two is suspicious of you as well?? I mean, you are acting creepy as hell" he sneered at him, Donut squinting "So, Two might be letting Coiny put a camera in your room.."

"..." Donut glanced to the side, holding his arms "..If that's true, the thought makes me more than just uncomfortable.."

Gelatin shrugged "Welllll, this isn't my problem. You won't tell me what's wrong, so I'm not going to help you out"

"I hate you.."

Gelatin dramatically sighed, placing his arm to his forehead "Yup. That's right. I'm completely and utterly useless in this situation. .."

"..I'm not telling you my problems," Donut retorted "Look, I'm just going to go back to Twos office." He turned away "..You're right, it's not your problem.."

Gelatin looked over at him, attempting to say something as he held his arm out, but Donut had already walked off.


So time passed, and the day went on. Everyone continued with their activities, doing what they did best. Well, were forced to do.

It was around evening time, the sun was setting and the outside was oddly cold, so that made the suffering even more unbearable - as if it wasn't already.

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