44: Risk takers.

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Donut waited for Gelatin to be done with Roboty because of the situation. He kind of just stood by the door that the three of them were in, listening to them talk. They were having a mini interrogation session in a spare room that was used to store all sorts of random things.

Barfbag would ask a question, Roboty would reply, and then Gelatin would translate it. He had became a little bored since it was taking a while, leaning against the wall and crossing his arm, faintly listening in.

Gelatin acted differently around others.. of course that was expected since he was closer to Donut, but it was kind of a big difference. He tapped his foot against the ground impatiently, sighing.

He of course was curious about the sudden disappearances, but it wasn't the main thing on his mind. He needed to talk to Gelatin, and this had been taking forever.

Suddenly the door swung open, Donut unfolding his arms and turning to it quickly. Barfbag sighed and walked out, almost stumbling into Donut "I-Im sorry! Sorry, I'm just.. really tired.."

Donut shook his head "Don't apologise..are you okay?" He asked, observing her with a raised eyebrow. She rubbed the back of her head "Honestly..I don't know Two is really angry about this.. and I didn't get anything out of Roboty." She grumbled. Gelatin giggled and followed her out the door.

"Yoohoo~!! Donuttt!" He nudged him playfully, going to give him a comforting hug. Donut rolled his eyes and pushed him off "Are you okay?"

"Aww.. you caree.." Gelatin cooed, putting his hand to his cheek and laughing "Hm? I'm fine. It's bolts-for-brains who won't be okay. Two's gonna turn him into a toaster!"

"Don't say that!" Barfbag shoved him, "L-Look, Donut, I have to go. I'm really busy now that everyone in Front Row is gone. I'll see you later.. If I'm free-" she began to walk as she spoke, so trailed off when she turned the corner.

"Jeez." Gelatin groaned "That's was so looong. Anyways, why'd ya wait for me? Hm? Hm?" He tilted his head "Desperate for my attention?"

"You wish" Donut snorted "No. There's something I need to talk about." He hesitated as he watched Roboty head out the door as well. He said nothing until he was out of sight, pulling Gelatin into the now vacant room.

Gelatin gasped as he closed the door "Oh! How romantic! Should I get the candles??"

"Shut up." Donut hissed, turning to him. "It's about that meeting thing with Two yesterday..." He sighed "I-I..think I know who it was."

Gelatin swooned "Donut! How could you steal from Two like that? You monster!" He dramatically wailed.

Donut rolled his eyes "It was not me!" He spat, growling a little "I... saw Fries in Twos office the day earlier. "

"Fries?" Gelatin tilted his head again "What? Fries? Huh?" He put his finger to his cheek in confusion "I don't get you."

"Fries was being suspicious yesterday. I saw him snooping through Twos stuff. I think he's the one who stole ..whatever it was.." Donut sighed, leaning against the door after admitting this.

He hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. It was bothering him a lot more than it should've been..

Gelatin thought for a moment, pondering. He didn't know how to make a joke about this "Why would Fries do that? He's crazy and looooves Two! He wouldnt do something like that."

"I know." Donut groaned. "It doesn't make any sense and it's driving me mad. I couldn't understand why he would steal and.. what he stole, so I .." he looked over at Gelatin, who was waiting for him.

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