142: Please don't think of me forever the same.

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Liy needed some time to herself.. after having to endure all of that, everyones different expressions and reactions pestered her. They really didn't hold back.. she didn't blame them, but ..wow. She thought she prepared herself enough for this.. but she got too fired up and stormed off, leaving to clear her head. Seeing them all there reminded her how many objects disliked her.. hated her even. They didn't WANT her there... they wanted their dead friends back instead.

But that wasn't the only thing on her mind. Of course it wasn't..how could she forget about what Bottle said last night?

She sat next to a small trickling stream, watching the water go around the rocks that littered along the flowing water, her legs crossed. The sun above made the water glisten, but only where it managed to seep through the leaves above. She listened to the water, this being the only sound she could hear around... apart from the faint rustling of leaves.

So.. she was a clone, huh?

She didn't know if she believed it.. but the more she thought about it the more she felt drawn to the idea. Could that really be why she was .. the way she was? Why she changed so quickly.. why she had been so violent in the past.. it seemed to be the answer to all her questions, but she didn't WANT that to be the answer.

She wasn't even.. herself. She was someone else.. that's why nothing had felt right.

But she didn't want to believe it.. as much as it made everything make sense, it was upsetting. How could she be a damn clone? This whole time.. and NOBODY knew. She thought about the original Liy.. and how she was dead, how she herself took her place. She felt like a fake.. she wasn't even the person everyone had known their whole lives, she was someone else.. but at the same time, still Liy.

How could Four do this.. this whole time everyone had held Four up to this hero standard, a victim of Two, someone who respresented the good side of the war. How would everyone feel if they learned that he was plotting bad things, too? All this time.. they had all been lied to. Fours crimes were unseen by everyone..

She frowned thinking about it. Four did this to her.. to make her more entertaining for the show. She wasn't a fucking PRODUCT. She gripped her hand together as anger began to boil inside of her, squeezing her eyes shut. Two and Four both did this to her.. except both had different motives. She had actually been designed to serve the sole purpose of... murdering for the war and for Two.

They took the old Liy and replaced her with.. who Liy was, now. A crazy killer.. Liy felt upset when she realised that she was made to be this way, she was.. forced to become this. She had been destined to be unlikeable no matter what happened to her.

The Exit and.. her reflection.. it all made sense now .... when nobody else had been in the Exit, when she talked to Four. They had removed her memory of the whole event.. well, at least now she knew what happened to her.. and was able to understand it all. She was lost now.. though. Lost on what to do. She didn't want to tell Coiny, he had enough on his plate.. but he was the only one she trusted.. and was the only one who she wanted to be around right now.

She opened her eyes and looked into the river, her gaze softening as she peered into her own eyes in the reflection. She didn't look away from the running water, opening up her hand and bringing her fingers down to touch the water, feeling the coldness coat her fingertips. She watched he reflection become obstructed.

Everything .. was ..

Everything was black. Liy couldn't see, she could only hear the muffled sounds of Two and Four talking behind her... behind a door. That was right.. she was in a room, she couldn't move her arms .. or her legs, and she felt out of it.

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