105: Lightning.

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"HmG- Let GO!!" Lightning cried out and aggressively attempted to yank himself away from Loser in multiple tries, who had him tightly gripped in his hands to prevent him from getting away, holding the flying object by his arm. "Stay still. You're making this more difficult than it has to be-" Loser snarled in a threatening manner to attempt to scare the other object, surprised he was so determined to put up a fight.

The group has returned back to the base VERY early in the morning and had alerted Two of the good news. Two was absolutely amazed to see Lightning, and spared no time to get a bracelet clipped onto his wrist. Donut felt awful as soon as he saw Lightning - remembering he never got the chance to warn the group in the lab or get Gelatin to try again. It had completely slipped his mind.. it must've slipped Gelatins mind, too. He was going to try again.. he forgot to. He couldn't believe he forgot something so important and felt awful about it.

If Lightning was here.. this meant the rest of the group were probably in bad conditions. Donut was unsure who was alive, but didn't know if he should approach Lightning while he was like this.. he had just got here and was terrified. Donut was going to make sure to keep him safe though, as unfortunate it was that Lightning had been taken back here he could find a way to help him. He knew the others wouldn't be able to save him... they couldn't pull that off twice.

Lightning avoided looking at Donut during his time in the office after learning the news about Fours powers. He was scared as soon as he got into the building because he knew that most of who was in there were crazy. He had been taken to Twos office and held down as a band was forced on his arm, and Two talked to Liy about the others and she explained what happened.

Donut felt awkward listening to it all and having to stay calm. He heard about all of the deaths.. including the fact Fries wasn't there. He must've not found the base at all.. Donut was nervous for when he would have to tell Fries about ... who died. He felt terrible, and wished he had told the group sooner about Liy and the others. He heard that Basketball and Tennisball had been there.. did they not tell them? Maybe the group left it too long and didn't leave in time. He.. was mostly sad about Bomby, as he had been a friend of his. The others were still upsetting, he felt guilty they had survived this whole way and gone through so much but.. still died without seeing it to the end.

Two had told everyone in the base of the good news through the intercom, as well as the fact Lightning was now with them. Lightning was frightened.. he knew that they all were aware he helped Eraser and Clock escape. He knew he would be the one getting the repercussions of it.. as the rest of the group wasn't there.

Donut needed to talk to Lightning but knew now was a bad time. He would have to try.. at some point when he knew it wouldn't be too risky.. which was going to be difficult. After Two had mentioned the deaths of all of the objects on the intercom, as well as the new arrival, he escorted Loser out of the room with Lightning and lead them somewhere. Donut wasn't too sure where.. Coiny hadn't said anything, but it was clear he was uncomfortable with the news.

And that lead them here.

"Lightning, don't make this harder than it has to be.. got it?" Two warned, in a particularly good mood due to what had happened. They grinned and put their arms behind their back. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise.."

Lightning didn't stop struggling, but another glare from Two made him settle down, looking away and trying to hold back from insulting them or getting upset. He knew that if he didn't do what they said it would be bad news for him. But it also meant that he might get.. put in a cell. The threat was mentioned briefly before, and he knew that the last thing he needed was to be trapped in a cell.

But.. that was where they were going right now. He was afraid to ask why, wincing from how tightly Loser was gripping his arm. His body hurt all over from the rain and he felt tired, going through stages of being angry and being upset. He hesitated though, as Two began to take lead into the dark basement looking area, and Lightning caught a glimpse of Pin.

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