70: And yet, I'm still alive.

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Night time passed slowly, and the fire worked its magic over night. It burned away at the trees and grass and left nothing but destruction in its path. By the morning, over half the forest was nothing but burnt trees and destruction. The forest was huge, and there was still quite a few trees standing, but it was a lot more bare than before. The fire and temperature calmed by morning and there wasn't much more fires around, just small ones. What was left was a dark mess, burned remains and ashes from the trees and bushes. There were large areas of untouched trees, more around the edges of the forest. The middle had been damaged the most.

A large cloud of smoke hovered over the forest and continued to waver through the air from the still burning plants, the lower temperatures were not enough to stop the smaller fires. It was silent, and this morning had been one of the worst mornings that any object had to awaken to for a long while. Now the only place that they could hide was being destroyed.. what else were they going to do?

Snowball had slept on the floor overnight in Basketballs room in a sleeping bag, and had almost slept for 12 hours overall due to his exhaustion. He usually didn't sleep for so long and it was definitely relieving.. plus another 3 hours from when he napped before that.

His eyes slowly opened in confusion as he didn't quite understand his situation and remember his location first off, but then all his memories hit him.. it was both relieving and unpleasant at the same time. He then realised why he woke up, Basketball was talking to Tennisball.. their voices must've dragged him out his slumber. He stayed still, just letting himself adjust to what was happening and having to remember what happened yesterday.

He had a strange dream.. he couldn't quite recall the whole of it, but it was to do with Taco, oddly enough. They had been mutuals before the whole war, and honestly had some cool times together. She wasn't THAT close so.. he was surprised to have dreamt about her. Though the dream did make him miss her.. it was like she had really been there. It was something along the lines of them being outside talking.. he told her about the future with Two and she didn't believe him and they joked about it.

He lay there for a moment and didn't make it obvious he was awake, holding onto the sleeping bag and tiredly going to rub his eyes, facing away from them. He wondered what they were talking about, listening to the mumurs of their voices to try and sneakily hear what they were discussing.

"What are we going to do, then?" Tennisball brought up a question. Basketball sighed, Sb could hear her pacing along the floor, most likely in some sort of contemplation, as she seemed unsure about something. "I don't know ..." she groaned, him hearing her sit on the nearby bed, it creaking. "The fire probably hasn't cleared up yet.. I don't think I'd be able to let him back in the forest, anyways."

"I-it's too dangerous there.. always.. plus maybe he's better off here?" Tennisball suggested shyly.. so they were talking about Snowball? It sounded like it. "If what you said about being invited to the lab is true.. can't we do that sometime in the future? Maybe when its.. less risky.. you know, less fire.. less problems.."

"As if that would happen.." she exhaled, sounding frustrated "We can still.. try when the time is right.. "

"So... what, we keep him in here until we. ...escape?"

"Y-Yeah.. I'd prefer that." She clarified.

"How long until..we manage to escape though? It could be weeks from now.." Tennisball worried, sounding rather concerned. She didn't reply for a moment so Snowball assumed she was in thought, just staying low.

"I.. really don't know. It could be soon.. or not." She exhaled defeatedly, standing from the bed. "I should go get us breakfast.. we can split some for Snowball, so we don't have to get three plates and look weird, aha.." she joked nervously.

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