28: Victims truth.

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Morning once again. The days were getting harder to get through, eveyones nerves growing as more and more tragedies occured, more and more deaths... more and more things being revealed. Everyone was struggling, everyone was dealing with something.. lost eye..broken leg.. trust issues..insanity..

After yesterday, Donut had tried to tell himself to never fall into that state again. He needed to inject himself when it was.. time. Doing it too soon would ruin everything. He would just ruin eveything for everyone. Himself included.

He didnt have all of Twos powers ..just.. some of it. Two had noticed his powers were weaker and was confused. Donut had extracted it over night.. injected him. He had to get it just right.. and now he had tp keep it. It was one shot ..one chance.

So.. he felt incredibly selfish for what he did last night. How he acted. He had to remain calm. He had to do this. It was his responsibility. Everyone was his responsibility. Survival was his responsibility.

Basketball had asked Gelatin to look after Tb as she went to go on a "picnic" outdoors. Really, she was bringing Snowball food. She hadn't seen him in a day or so, and was worried about him and his whereabouts, whether he had been caught or anything like that.

She had also been really worried about Tb. He was on the verge of death, and it made her upset and sick thinking about it. They were so close.. she hadn't realised how close they were until he had been in such a position. It hadn't quite sunk in yesterday, but when she woke up and realised she felt anger..

Two had visited her in the morning to tell her about the ongoing plans for Tb. Nickels surgery was limb based, however Tennisball was lacking a lot more. Two had looked into it, and came up with a fairly simple solution.

There was three objects that had a similar material base to Tennisball. One was Puffball, one was Spongy, and one was Pillow. Puffball wasn't an option, and Spongy has burned to death - his body was disintegrated. This left Pillow.

Due to this, he had sent Liy out on a special mission to hunt for Pillow and find her whereabouts, before killing her and taking her body back to use it to re-build Tennisball.

Liy could manipulate her easily, so all she had to do was find her. Liy went out this morning and said she wouldn't return until she found her. Two was respectful and pleased at this. Tennisball was important - too important to lose. So, much like Nickel, he needed some re-building.

Basketball didn't even want to think about it, because she was the one doing it. Nickel was bad enough, she still cringed at the thought. But having to sew Pillows body parts and stuffing into Tennisball? It wasn't doing her mind any better. So, ontop of everything else, this was another issue she was having.

She had been looking for Snowball for a while, holding the bag of food she had close. She was worried. If he got caught he wouldn't be able to get away due to his injury. She couldn't deal with losing Snowball.. not right now.

But after more searching, it wasn't looking good. She was trailing quite far from the base and didn't want to get lost. She was planning on turning back..

She had small tears in her eyes at the thought. What if she never saw him again? What if something else happened? Something unpredicted?

"Snowball??" She spoke out, desperate to find him, pulling herself together. She didnt like calling for him due to the risks that posed, but was too worried about him to care.

She walked for another five minutes, biting her lip as worry and sadness filled her. She couldn't find him.. it was useless. He wasn't going to be there. She turned around, shaking her head and closing her eyes..

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