46: Fries couldn't keep it up forever.

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After returning home without Marker, Fries went to head back to his room and take a breather. That was ..stressful. Very risky, too. He was doing a lot of things which could easily get ugly, such as befriending Firey and Blocky, talking to Eraser, freeing Stapy.. he was glad Snowball managed to get away earlier, though.

The rest of Free Food decided to go back to Two and explain what happened, dreading it because they knew Two would get excessively angry. Marker wasn't back yet, he was blissfully unaware of the lie Fries told. He was searching the forest, frustrated that he couldn't find his friends and even more frustrated that he was soaking wet from the weather.

Fries closed his door carefully, waited a few momebts before sighing loudly, leaning slowly with his back against it and letting out a long groan, putting his hand to his face. Stapy hopefully made it out alive and escaped without Marker finding him.. he wasn't sure if Free Food would've believed him at first..but they seemed to take it. What if they found out he was lying? What if Marker lied too to defend himself?

Was this even a good idea?

He placed down his shovel so it leaned against the wall to the side, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head "Ughm." He felt tired, but knew the day was far from over. "What have I done.." he whispered.

Stapy was.. hopefully okay. He didn't know what he was thinking - though. The last time they ever talked before all this war stuff, they hadn't got off on the right hand. They had an ugly disagreement due to a mistake Fries made. Quite.. a large one. He knew Stapy didn't like him regardless of all this torture stuff, but.. he didn't care. He wanted to save him.

He grumbled and glanced over to his bed, wanting to collapse onto it and just forget today. But he knew deep down that Free Food was on their way to tell Two right now, and once Marker was back things were going to get a lot more heated.

He sighed out and stood up straight, stretching his arms out and collecting himself together. He could do this .. he had gotten this far, there was no point in giving up now.

Before he could turn around to grab the shovel that he had leaned against his wall, his door swung open harshly, hitting him right in the back. He was knocked forward onto his hands and knees, staring at the ground in surprise, scrambling to get up "Wh-What in the-"

He turned around and backed up, trying to stand. Donut was in the doorway, glaring down at him "..I did warn you." He remarked. He closed the door behind him as he entered his room, so that nobody would see or hear this. Donut was screaming eternally oh fucking hell he could not do this he was NOT prepared, but he needed to.

As soon as the door shut, Donut instantly attempted to grab Fries' shovel from tbe wal. Fries noticed, lunging to get it before he could. "What are you doing!-" he didn't know how to react.. Donut must have been serious about earlier. Wasn't he scared? He told him those lies and he seemed to believe him.. what was he going to do?

Fries without thinking had no other choice but to attempt to pull it away from him, backing away on the floor as he clutched onto the shovel head desperately to rip it from his hands. He used his legs to to push himself against the floor, trying to tug it violently, Donut stumbling as he tried to pull it backwards the other way, "You don't have a CHOICE!" He warned Fries, pulling at it with a surprising amount of strength, stumbling back against the door.

Fries was startled as it was ripped right from his hands, staring up at it as Donut held it there "What has gotten into you?!" Fries shouted, looking around "Someone's going to come and get you in trouble!"

"Why, because I found out who the culprit is?!"

"I told you, I don't know anything about that!" Fries was struggling to keep up his whole insane act in a time like this..it was a totally unexpected event.

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