81: The start of something new.

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Dear Diary , #45
I don't know how much more I can take of this, what do I do now?

Part 1

Finally. That day had come. It was time for the event that so many objects had been .. dreading, looking forward too, hoping for..and fearing. Golfball, carrying a wagon that dragged along RobotTb, was taking lead of her group, heading confidently for Twos base. Blocky and Bomby followed close behind, weapons grasped in their hands. Just after, Lolllipop, Jr, Naily were all there, the dread of failure hanging over all of them. Lightning and Fanny decided to stay home after all, just in case the group had to run at any given point, as Fanny and Lightning would be disadvantaged so would probably be caught.

The morning felt oddly shallow. Something was lowering the atmosphere and creating a strange sense of tension but, nobody could quite tell what it was. For Rubber Spatula.. for Two, for Pin.. something bad for the future.

Donut and Gelatin talked last night. Donut.. admitted what he had done to himself, but mentioned nothing about Barfbag. Gelatin knew there was something else wrong.. he knew Donut was smarter than that to stoop to the level of doing something to himself. He knew it wasn't just Donuts own influence, but he didn't know what else it was.

Nobody was prepared for today. Fries was sat across the cafeteria hall on a table with his group, giving glances to Blackhole now and again while he stirred his drink. Blackhole was talking to Tree at a table across from Free Food, they seemed to be on good terms. Fries had blocked out the sound around him, the only thing he was focusing on was.. the future. Today's consequences. He ignored the chatter of his fellow "friends" and whatever Two was talking about with them, just listening to the clinking of his spoon against his cup.

Blackhole had spared no details for Tree, Tree practically knew the whole plan now. He was skeptical of Fries but didn't make it obvious.. Fries found out that Tree knew the plan as Blackhole told Fries yesterday in an apologetic way. Fries.. didn't know how to feel. He hoped Tree was okay with this.. and wasn't going to rat them or Fries out.

Golfballs group were getting closer by the minute. They left around lunch time yesterday.. and after a small rest during the night and taking in turns to guard, they were on their way to finally complete their plan.. what would they even do after this? Who knew.. but saving the prisoners would advantage them dearly.. not only that, but the prisoners DESERVED freedom.

It was a miracle they hadn't died yet, Fries had stated a few days ago to them that he was extremely surprised. It was really happening now.. Golfballs group were really going through with this.. her wagon bumped and hit small rocks and sticks on the ground as she dragged it, spotting the building up in the distance.

It could only get worse from here.

But when you poke the bear over and over and over, eventually it's going to attack back. And, at that stage, it will be anything but pretty.

"Tree, ..can.. I speak to you?" Tree heard someone ask from behind. Surprised and admittedly a little intimidated he turned around mid conversation with Blackhole, cutting off his own sentence. Both of them were making sure not to be too.. open.. about their true opinions. Blackhole was still pretending to have surrendered, of course. So.. Tree had to keep that in mind.

Tree was startled to be met with Robot Flower, who seemed awkward and visibly guilty, standing in front of him silently. Was she finally ready to talk? He understood she had wanted space befor3.. and, in these moments he was grateful he had decided to not leave her at the base all alone. He was relieved he said he wanted to stay with her, because if he said differently he would have definitely regretted it.

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