124: Underserved life, underserved death.

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Liy paced around her room, trying to get used to the pain in her bleeding ankle while she attempted to divise a plan in the short amount of time to do so. She couldn't stay here...Barfbag was up to something and she needed to stop whatever it was. She said she had to deal with things.. and that wasn't good news to anyone. Liy was stressing, having attempted to leave her room multiple times but failed.

She had called for help, despite not even knowing what she would excuse when she did get out and they saw her injuries, as she had to keep quiet about Barfbag. The door was locked tight, and despite her using her knife to attempt to lock pick it, there was no use. It wouldn't budge.. she was stuck in here helplessly, anger boiling inside her every second that passed as she thought of that bitch. Though, it made Liy think about how much everyone must have hated her when she did stuff like this.

What was she goibg to do? What COULD she do? The windows were barricaded plus she was injured on her arm AND her ankle. She was practically half as strong as she usually was. She groaned in frustration over her own failure, looking up irritably.

The air vent..

She tensed up, getting an idea. She spared no time, grabbing the edge of her bed by the side and attempting to flip it over, pushing foward while slowly stepping. She grunted in struggle, and because of her wounds it wasn't as easy as it usually would be, but she managed, knocking it onto its side.

It wobbled a little, the mattress slipping off and revealing the under part of the bed, the part that could be passed off as a ladder due to its design. She grinned at her great idea, attempting to pull the bed up so that it would be standing up right, and then she could lean it against the wall like a ladder.

What could Barfbag be up to? She needed to find her .. was it smart to get involved with her plans, though? She knew Barfbag was a threat.. and that Liy was supposed to be working with her now.

However, when Liy had succeeded and pulled herself through the gap, crawling through the air vent with struggle due to her awkward shape, she passed an airvent which provided a glimpse of Gelatins room underneath, what she saw through the gaps below her was enough to tip her over the edge. Before she didn't care.. before she wanted Two to win. Now.. she.. felt different. She didn't know why, but she knew what she had to do.

So she broke open the hatch and jumped down the vent, breaking into Gelatins room and landing on her feet skillfully as she hopped down from the ceiling. The first thing she saw was Donuts dead body.. Barfbag seemed to be so occupied with Gelatin that in result she didn't notice Liy enter. Liy felt all her fury rise within her as she saw Barfbag fighting him, gritting her teeth before taking a violent slash at Barfbag from behind.

"..Gh- ..What the.. how the HELL did you-?!" Barfbag seethed and grabbed her bleeding arm as she spun around to see Liy, her eyes darting around the room before noticing the vent.. of course. Liy was smarter than she had anticipated ..and more ANNOYING. Barfbag growled lowly, she should have known she would be difficult.

"How many times do I have to FIGHT you, huh?!" Barfbag thundered, letting go of her bloodied arm before lunging at Liy with her knife, beginning to engage in another battle with her. Liy was slower and weaker than Barfbag, but she was determined to help, panting as she yelled and attacked her back.

Gelatin stared, backing up as he was on the floor, pushing against the floorboards with his legs and arm. He was in a state of panic, and was frozen. He couldn't move, his lip quivering as tears trickled down his cheeks and onto his lap, unable to help.. intimidated and overwhelmed. He couldn't think straight, having let out all of his rage to now be stuck in a state of shock.

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