97: Now it's my turn to be in control.

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"Friesss?? Where are youuu??"

Gelatin called out for Fries, his hand cupping the side of his mouth to make his voice seem louder, calling out into the forest hopelessly for the other object in an attempt to find him. Donut walked beside him and gripped his arms, subconsciously digging his fingers into them out of the sheer anxiousness he was feeling. "He isn't here. Otherwise..why is he not replying..?" Donut was obviously deeply worried, Gelatin glancing over to him in concern while he put his hand down from his mouth.

The pair had gone out to look for Fries as they hadn't visited him since he had been teleported away by Donut..but Fries didn't seem to be anywhere around where he last was. They had managed to use the bracelet disabling device after a long while of waiting around for Twos offive to be clear of Two but also of Coiny, it was very annoying but they managed and then Donut teleported them here. They had been calling for Fries for a while but he was missing and unresponsive.. and it worried Donut to think of where he was. What if he was hurt? What if he had been killed?

Gelatin sighed and looked to the muddy ground. "I don't know, Donut... I-I can't seem to get a response. Are you sure he's in this part?" He asked weakly. Donut was starting to doubt himself.. what if he had teleported into a completely different area than before? That wouldn't be good... Donut let go of his arms, growling as anger and frustration grew within him quickly.

"FRIES!!" Donut yelled loudly and unexpectedly, Gelatin flinching at the sudden loud noise as it echoed into the forest, but looked around hopefully for some sort of indication that someone was around. Just as he expected there was nothing...he felt disappointed, but also felt guilty for Donut as there was nothing but silence once the echo faded out.

"..Maybe he walked far. There's still a bunch of innocent explanations, Donut." Gelatin pat his back in an attempt to keep him calm, however he was pretty worried himself. What if Fries HAD been hurt? That would NOT be good right now. He couldn't begin to imagine how Donut would be effected by that.. but also Fries was .. basically the glue holding everything together right now, with Coiny and Stapy that group in the lab.. he was the link between everything. He was super kind, too.. he easily was able to talk to survivors and get them to trust him...

Surely he would have found somewhere safe? Gelatin was trying to believe that. Donut was more dramatic though, and was thinking of the worst possible scenarios. "..I'm... really worried, Gelatin. What if we don't find him..? What will we do?" His voice was wavering as looked over to the other object, wanting an instant plan.

"Come on.. D." Gelatin smiled softly and looked off into the distance. "The forest is huge, he could be anywhere.." he reassured and kept walking, but didn't sound as confident as he would've usually been. "Uh.. let's keep looking. He couldn't have gotten too far.."

Donut grudgingly agreed, muttering incoherent sounds. "Alright.." he sighed softly, letting Gelatin take the lead and call out again. "FRIESS!!!" He cried out into the forest, Donut wincing and frowning.. he was panicked over the possibility of him being hurt..after all that trouble to get him to safety.. and he was going to end up killed regardless..?

But also all that effort and..work Fries had done. Donut felt sick at the sudden conclusion he thought of. It should've been me. He tried to push that particular thought away, but it kept lingering in his mind as he walked slowly and subconsciously followed Gelatin. Was.. that true? It was just..Fries was so much more helpful. No matter how many times he reminded himself what Fries said to him, he couldn't help but think differently. Ughh, this was so difficult, sometimes he wished he could just run away from this all..

"FRIES!" Gelatin shouted more sharply, breaking Donut from his thoughts. Gelatin slowed down and waited for something.. but there was nothing.. absolutely nothing. "Maybe.. he went pretty far. You know, he could be in that lab by now.."

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