9: Promises to keep.

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Basketball had a bag full of food and drink, aka what she had managed to scavenge from the cafeteria. She hoped she didnt seem too suspicious to anyone, trying to find where Snowball was.

She sas also carrying in the bag some crutches for him.. so he would be able to get around. As well as some bandages. She didn't know why she cared so much.. she just wanted to do this for someone... help them.

She noticed him in sight, heading towards him with a smile. She dropped the bag down, the food spilling out "Thats all I could get...hope its enou-"

Without another word, Snowball had snatched a sandwich up and began to harshly eat it, not even taking time to enjoy the food..just wanting to get it in his system. He ate it so fast it didn't even know what was inside it, just gripping it tightly.

He was so starved.. he hadn't had normal food in ages. This was like a luxury he never thought he would have again..but here he was.

She awkwardly smiled, gazing at him as he was eating quickly "Try not to make yourself sick.." she spoke. He huffed, looking away.

"I-I can't help it-" he spoke with his mouth half full, just needing to eat.. he was so grateful but was too stubborn to personally thank her

She didn't reply, not wanting to think about how starved he was. She gazed to the side, feeling a small wave of guilt towards everyone else in the forest.. but she couldn't do anything.

Snowball kept eating, soon finished with one sandwich as he went to begin to eat the other, rushing to get rid of the feeling. She looked back at him "..Do you believe me now?"

He growled, looking away a bit as he chewed.. he didn't know what to say.. well.. of course he did in some sense.. but was still weary. He had a feeling that she was just softening him up to be able to make him more vunrable, so she could target him easier.

But was Basketball really like that? She didn't seem like that type.. even if he didn't talk to her that often.

Well.. a lot of others had changed.. so it wouldn't be that surprising..

"I-I dont know-" he huffed, looking away as he finished the food. She went to kneel down to him, observing him carefully

"I know its a big thing to trust me... but..believe me...I want to help you out all I can.." she went to take out the bandages ans crutches from the bag, Snowball raising an eyebrow

"I'm not here to hurt you.. so... can you just please try to open up?" She spoke. He crossed his arms, looking away a bit

"Mmrgh.." he was trying to decide what to do.. if trusting her was even a got idea at all. She didn't seem like any harm.. maybe he could just be weary.. she was getting him food after all "Fine,"

She smiled a little as he agreed "Okay-, stretch your leg out the best you can so I can bandage it.. "

He was hesitant to let her do that, but went to outstretch his leg with a small grunt, looking away in pain. It still hurt like a bitch, he wished he had been looking where he was going.

She tried to begin to wrap it up carefully, being slow so she wouldn't hurt him. She knew she needed to get going though.. the surgery for Nickel was starting soon. Two would get really pissed off if she wasn't there.

He whined as she tightened it up, looking at it nervously as she parted, smiling at her work "Is that okay?"

"I guess.." he spoke quietly, keeping his gaze on it. She nodded, happy to have succeeded in helping someone out.. she felt.. really relieved.

"I-I have to get going.. but.." she hesitated at what she was going to say.. before saying it "But I'll try to visit you tomorrow, around this time, yeah?"

He stared up at her, gazing to the side a little afterwards "..Sure..whatever.."

She smiled more at that, visibly pleased as she stood up. She hoped he would be okay.. just wanting the best for him. She cared.. even if he was one of the more annoying people to have came across. They all deserved help in some form..

"G-Good ... uhh, cya then!" She called as she went to turn, leaving the rest of the food there for him as well as the crutches.

Snowball really didn't expect that to happen to him.. he really did think he was going to die. Things looked like they were going to be a little different from now on.


"What do you mean we have to go deeper into the forest?" Lightning spoke nervously, watching Gb as she was explaining to the group.

Fanny glared up at him "What do you THINK it means?!" She looked back at Golfball "Why are we going deeper anyways " she huffed.

Gb rolled her eye, stomping on the ground a bit "Because! We need to find some sort of hide out.. or one of my secret labs, so I can find parts " she mumbled "If I have parts and technology-, I can make so many things that could help us out.."

She actually had a ...different idea.. sorta.. but she knew telling them would be a bad idea. Thats why she wanted convince them to do it for another reason.

"If you do it, I can replace your missing arms and misplacements with robotics! Fanny can get her head back in the right place, and you'll all be back to normal! Plus, we might find food. We can't live off that apple tree forever,"

They were a little quiet, just trying to decide whether to trust her. "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean,-" Lollipop was cut off by her

"Yes! Of course it is! You get your designated limbs back, and I get to create machines to be able to take down Two." She turned her back to them. "You don't have to come with me .. but you'll miss out on a perfect opportunity.."

8-ball didn't like this. There was something behind it... but what? He couldn't tell.. it just seemed fishy

Firey jr looked over at Bomby, who was exchanging glances to him now and again. Jr growled a little "This better work! Or else it means you're putting all of us in danger.." he mumbled.

Lollipop nodded "I agree. I'd rather not put myself and the others at jeopardy .. so you better be right about this"

"When am I ever wrong?" She grinned. 8-ball raised an eyebrow "Quite a lot"

"Didn't need your input!" She spat, kicking him and making him roll backwards a little bit. She huffed "Come on. We have to go in this direction.. its futher away from Twos fortress thing, so its deeper in the forest," she mumbled.

Lightning sighed "Well.. I do want my hands back.." he glanced at Fanny, who groaned "Selfish"

"Its not sefish! Its true!"

"Lets just hurry the fuck up" Inturupted Jr, glaring at the both of them. He grabbed Bombys arm, beginning to drag him and follow Gb.

"Man-, I hope shes right.." He mumured, gazing to the side. Jr growled "Me too. I'll fucking murder her if she gets one if us killed.."

Lollipop and 8-ball didn't really have much of a choice either. If they didn't follow they'd be left alone and probably end up dead sooner or later, so they went to follow them.


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