68.999999: Perfect plans.

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Blackhole lead both Fries and Pen back to safety through the blazing forest by making a clear path for them to walk through. The fire had gotten much worse as time went on, a lot of the forest was now engulfed by flames, hardly anywhere was safe, and now that it was evening, it felt more dangerous. Luckily they got back rather quickly, and were let inside instantly by Golfball, who was more than surprised to see Fries standing at the door.

"You made it!" Lightning exclaimed happily, floating up quickly and clapping his hands together in joy. "Oh wow! We all thought that-" Fanny kicked him harshly so he wouldn't finish his sentence, him settling down. He wouldn't have anyways, because he was startled by who Pen and Blackhole were joined by. "F-Fries?" He choked out with an awkward smile. "Uh.."

"Fries?" Jr and Naily said in unison, standing quickly in response to this startling information. Blackhole awkwardly floated in as well, behind the other two "Ah.. sorry for taking so long. I- er, found them trapped. It's..really bad out there.."

"I saw.." Golfball slowly spoke, closing up the door. She couldn't take her eyes off Fries, a little stunned to see him. She had many questions, but figured they needed some space, despite how eager she was. Pen coughed and hit his chest, giving Blocky a weak smile. "H-Hey-.." he croaked out, brushing himself off.

"Holy shit.. I thought you were a goner!-" Blocky ran over and went to roughly hug him, squeezing his body tight to his, filled with relief that he was okay. "How the hell are you alive?? You have to tell me all about it!" He smiled excitedly, all of the pressure lifted from him. His gaze shifted to Blackhole. "Don't do that to me again! I was so worried about ya.. you didn't even wait for me!" Blocky sclouded, sighing and parting from Pen. Blackhole gave a weak chuckle "Ah.. sorry.. I just knew it was the best option.." Blocky looked across Pen, noticing Fries. He was pretty burned from the fire.. even more burned from when he last saw him. He exhaled as he met eye to eye with him

Fries gave a small wave "Uh, hey.." he coughed a bit, still needing fresh air. "It's good to see that you made it back.. I'm, uh, proud." He glanced around at everyone, who were staring at him. "This is..err.. pretty intimidatinggg .." he awkwardly laughed, hoping they would stop. "Cuz.. I'm not really used to this.." Lightning observed him curiously "What happened to your fries, Fries?" Fanny kicked him again angrily "What do you think?!"

Naily was confused, looking at Jr. "Wh-Whats happening?? Why is Fries here?" She squeaked, fearful. Jr turned to her boredly. "What??" He then realised she had no idea about Fries. "Oh! Uh.. Oh yeah, we didn't tell you.." he glanced back over to Fries as he was talking to Blocky, signalling towards him with a shrug "Blocky said Fries is good and helped him get here. He's uh.. not crazy, like you thought. " he informed. "I didn't REALLY believe it at first but.. I learned to give in. He seems cool.."

She was astonished, almost thinking he was lying. "..H-Huh..?" She choked out, trying to find words to speak "B-But.. he was with Free Food! He was totally crazy! He hunted with them and hurt others.. are you kidding me? How is he not insane??" She was a little angry. Bomby placed a hand on her "I-it's fine.. Naily. I.. think it was some sort of act."

"Act..?" She didn't believe that. No.. at the beginning he was definitely crazy. He had to be.. the way he acted, he tore Erasers arm off! How was that an act? She didn't believe that. He must've been brainwashed by Yellowface at one point.. maybe he broke from that control,.. why didn't he just say that instead of lying about this whole "act" thing?

"Ah, jeez.. I've been gone for so long! It's great to see all of ya!" Pen smiled cheerfully, rubbing the back of his head. Blocky finally noticed his cap "Oh dude!! Nice!! You found your cap! You look sick!" He high fived him in victory.

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