58: I can't change the past, but I can change the future.

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"Fries, seriously, how could you?! All you ever do is ruin things for me.. but THIS?! How am I going to make it up to her now?! She hates me!"

"I-Im sorry Stapy! I-I didn't know she would react that way-"

"Didn't know?! How could you not know?! Just give it up. You've made me lose both of my best friends.. what if they never forgive me?"

"They will, Stapy! I-Its a mistake, just tell them-"

"You tell them! Its your fault!"

"Hey, it's not just mine! Maybe if you weren't so fucking SELFISH all the time and paid more attention to them, you would have known!"



During lunch, Fries knew his group would be busy so excused himself to have a walk. He liked going on walks because it allowed himself to think... about the past and also the future. It was pretty cold out, he used his shovel to drag a small line through the snow; that way he would know how to return home.

He had been walking for a little while.. he wasn't too close to the base but he wasn't too far either. It was just refreshing to get some air and some space. The roof wasn't exactly private because anyone could come at any moment, and he didn't like that idea.

He knew there wouldn't be many hunts today because it was cold and therefore not many survivors would be out - so didn't have to be weary of Front Row. However he was making sure to be careful because the bear traps were still buried in the snow, so he was blind to any that may have been lurking.

Wincing as bitter icy wind blew right at his face, he stumbled backwards due to the rough gusts of wind. He almost fell over, making a soft yell. He managed to gain balance though, holding his hands out to the sides of him.

He had been out for a while.. maybe he should return..it would be better to get back before Two caused the weather to be even worse..he knew it was their fault now. Word had got around after Two kept telling people. He wasn't surprised, but it was a cruel thing to do.. yet again, it WAS Two... at least they knew why the weather was being so irregular now.

He brushed himself off and exhaled disappointedly, not wanting to go back there. He went to kick the snow away out of mild frustatuon, before tensing up at the sound of voices.

"I can't find anything! Can we just go back now? It's so cold.."

"No duh! But what are we gonna eat, huh? What, do you wanna starve?! Jeez."

"I'd rather not freeze to death, that's for sure."

He identified the voices immediately..they were Fireys and Stapys. So.. Stapy was okay after all? He must have stumbled across Firey and befriended him.. that was a nice thought. He was really happy to know Firey was okay too - he had been having doubts about his survival due to the weather.

He knew he couldn't go see them though.. even though he freed Stapy, there were still..  other problems between them. He still felt awkward around him because he knew he didn't like him.. so despite wanting to see Firey, he decided to leave. Rather quickly, as he didn't want to be seen by them.

We can't always have what we want.

"Fries! Oh my goodness!" Firey suddenly exclaimed from behind him, causing Fries to frown and close his eyes. God dammit he thought.

Firey ran up to him through the snow, stumbling in attempt to catch up to him "H-Hey! Hey!" He called loudly, trying to get his attention. Fries turned politely, spotting Firey jogging through the snow and kicking it out of the way to get to Fries. He was still metal.. from a few days before?

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