60: I'm stuck inside the body of someone I don't want to be.

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The evening slowly slipped by, and the sun dipped into the distance of trees and hid away for the night, leaving everyone in to rest in the regular feeling if uncertaincy and anxiousness. It had been a long day, one that would would seem easy compared to the days ahead as things just got worse.

Front Row was instructed specifically by Two to watch the prisoners over the evening, however not many followed that command as time dragged on, and Two didn't seem to monitor. In fact, the majority of them went off to do their own thing. Balloony waited and stood around the prisoner area for a while after everyone left, but then got bored and departed too.

With Two still busy and nobody guarding them, this was the perfect opportunity to escape, was it not?

Well.. its wasnt as easy as that. There would be the process of unlocking the lock..and getting out from their restraints...

Tennisball and Basketball had been spending the day together, and were currently walking around and talking about the past. Basketball had learned some interesting things about Tennisball, and vice versa. They both had some sort of relationship with Golfball and missed her, but neither actually knew what she was doing and whether she was alive... it was nice to talk about things they related on.

Tennisball believed she was though. He knew that she would be... she wouldn't go down without a strong fight.

She gently chuckled as they walked along the corridors, heading back to Tennisballs room with him "A-Ah.. yeah, I remember when Blocky did that. I felt kind of bad for Golfball ..she was so angry until she realised it was all a joke." She innocently snickered.

"She was always suspicious of everyone else for a few days after that.." Tennisball continued, smiling cheerfully "Ah.. I miss them both so much.. "

"We both do.." she assured, exhaling gently and looking out the window as they passed it "I wish I could just.. know if they are okay...or what they're up to.." she observed the weather in the evening sky, thinking about Snowball. "I wish we could make things right.."

"Ah.. you can say that again." He turned a corner as they walked, her following "Everything is kind of a mess..isn't it? We kind of took our lives for granted before.. aha.."

"Y-Yeah..you can say that again." She scuffed the ground with a sad smile "I-I miss.. how everything used to be. It's rather hard to adjust to this whole new lifestyle..aha."

"That's because its horrible." Tennisball sighed, closing his eyes, pained "It's..insanity. I'm just.. glad I still have you. It feels like.. I still have something to hang onto .."


He nervously scuffed his foot, slowing down "It's just.. I'm not even myself anymore. I feel.. different.. given my new body. But.. you haven't changed.." he admitted quietly.

She weakly smiled, a little guilty but didn't make that obvious. "..Of course.. I'll always be here for you.."

"I-I feel.. so different. I'm glad I'm alive! Of course.. but I can't even ..look at myself without feeling repulsive.." he uttered "I wonder what Golfball would think of me now.."

Basketball didn't reply, so he decided to pick a new topic to discuss.

"Oh, I noticed that you took your mask off, too! You look nice.." he softly complimented, admiring her features in hope of making things less awkward.

"Oh? Haha? Noo.." she embarrassedly blushed, shrugging and smiling nervously "Th-Thats not truee.." she huffed, mumbling.

"I-It is!" He claimed strongly. "You never needed it.. how do you feel with it off? What changed your attitude?"

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