123: uoy evol I.

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Part 1

"Man, you having a diary is so dumb.." Gelatin playfully teased in a joking manner, standing and rocking on his heels in front of Donut who sat on his own bed. Donut was adjacent to the Gelatin while watching him act foolish and attempt to mock Donut, but also look kind of stupid in the process. Donut scoffed, in utter disbelief that his ego was so high by boredly leaning foward, leaning his head on his hands and trying to seem indifferent to his banter.

"It's SUPPOSED to be a log of every day of my life, so I can recall things easier. It comes in handy more than you think-" Donut defended with an unamused expression, his hands perched on his lap boredly as he watched Gelatin simply laugh at this statement, putting his hand to his mouth to cover his smile.

"Uh yeah, you don't have to excuse your nerd activities with nerd excuses." Gelatin smirked smugly with a giggle, eyeing up Donut as he seemed irritated by Gelatins joke insults. Donut huffed and looking off across the room, attempting to ignore Gelatin instead. Gelatins smile softened, cheerfully sliding next to him on the bed.

"Come on D, you know I'm just playing with ya." He poked him and pouted, trying to get him to look at him. "You know I loove youuu~"

Donut twitched at that sentence, shooting a judgemental glare at him. His face clearly flushed up and Gelatin found it interesting that he tried to brush it off like it wasn't. "PLEASE do not say that, you make yourself sound like an idiot. " Donut spat and looked away again, feeling embarrassed but he didn't want to make it seem so obvious. He was clearly failing however, since this just fueled Gelatins fun.

"What, don't you wuv me back?" He pouted and sat up next to him, putting a hand on his own cheek playfully. Donut rolled his eyes stayed turned away from him, frustated that he was messing with him like this. Gelatin was finding amusement in it though, giggling as Donut wouldn't look at him.

"You're blushing, D." He taunted, earning no response to his statement. Gelatin knew that he was being salty, leaning forward mockingly. "Cheer uppp.."

"How can I.. someone looked in my diary.. that's a big deal." Donut sighed uneasily and slowly turned back to him, bringing this up again. He pinched the space between his eyes, looking at Gelatin tiredly. "I'm just worried.. I don't know who it is or..what they know." He speculated, bringing his hands together and looking down at them in stress.

Gelatin frowned.. he was quite enjoying his time with Donut that didn't relate to all this .. drama. He valued the time he spent with him because it helped him think away from all of this.. he was his happiness. As much as Donut denied it, this feeling was mutual. "There's no use stressing about it." Gelatin moved back, going to sit in the centre on the bed and cross his legs. Donut followed suit, sitting opposite him as he inhaled, shuffling over by using his hands. "Yeah, but-.."

He exhaled again and cut himself off, rubbing his eyes with his hands and a prolonged groan. "Ughh.. I don't know what to do. I think we should start thinking of the future.. Gelatin.. and it looks like the future is us looking for... the lab.." He admitted, trailing off.

"Really?" Gelatin was a little surprised at this, his tone higher due to his shock. Donut usually wasn't so brash when it came to planning, but it seemed like he was.. open to going through with it. "Oh, oh! Yeah! okay!" Gelatin agreed fast, taken offguard from behaviour that was so unlike Donut. "Soooo.. who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" He joked after, laughing light-heartedly.

"I'm not your boyfriend, Gelatin. " Donut shot him an irritated look with lidded eyes, but this didn't phase the other. "I just.. have.. been thinking about it, I guess. But, if we did do that we would ... well, have to also take with us who is ALSO on our side." He explained. "Basically just ..uhhh, Coiny and Barfbag.. at this point."

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