79: Bad news.

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Since Firey hadn't been feeling so well, Stapy was left to fend for himself and deal with building a new base for the two of them to stay in. As annoying as it was, he doubted Firey would lie about it just to get out of doing work.. Stapy had to gather logs and sticks to build another shelter for the two of them, knowing it would now be a slower process as he was on his own.

Firey had eventually fallen asleep by the rock, and Stapy didn't really want to disturb him.. so he just had to start lining up some logs and digging them into the ground, making some form of wall, lining out how big the shelter would be. It was.. tiring, and wore him out quicker than he expected, so decided to just look for more logs instead of actually trying to build it.. maybe Firey could help him build it when he was feeling better.

So Stapy was now wondering a little further away from where Firey was, trying to stay in the non-burned areas of the forest so that he was.. well, never exposed. He was sure if he ever got into contact with Free Food, they would NOT be happy. He still had no idea how Fries got away with helping him escape.. what kind of lie he told.. Two would not have let him get away with that.

As much as he.. didn't like Fries, he DID appreciate the fact he did that. He wasn't sure where he would be right now if he was still in Twos Base... probably still taped up, starving.. worse than he was over a week ago. He knew that Fries would definitely be killed if Two found out about what he had been doing to help support everyone on Fours side. He.. wondered how Fries felt about how in danger he was, I mean.. he cared enough to keep his cover, but.. barely. He was doing super risky things.. Stapy honestly didn't understand it.

He found a tree which had branches all around it scattered on the ground, so he decided to pick some of them up. The evening sun barely seeped through the leaves above, but there were some gaps where the sunlight shined through and illuminated different parts more than others. He hopped towards the tree, picking up one of the branches and grimacing. They were wet.. probably from rainfall. Regardless he grabbed another, holding it under his arm.

On the other hand, he hoped that Firey would be okay. He was sure he wouldn't die from whatever he was feeling but.. Stapy had no idea what he would do if Firey DID die. He relied on him more than he realised..

He reached down to grab another one of the logs, his attention drawn to something that was trapped, flapping mildly from the breeze, glowed up by some of the suns beam. It was stuck under a branch.. it looked like a piece of paper? It appeared to be dirty, too. He went to put what he was holding down and to the side, hopping over to it curiously.

He went to swipe it from under the branch, and it felt a little damp and worn.. it didn't look that bad, though, like it had been placed there recently. He carefully used his hands to unfold it. It was folded kind of irregular, like it had been scrunched..

He scanned his eyes over the top, it was named.. Coiny? He became further interested, reading more of it. "Uhh, Coiny: Supporting right hand man. Second in demand along with Donut. Powerful and highly obedient...uuh, okayy.."

Well, this was obviously from Twos base.. but what was it doing all the way out here?

Fries lost the file on his way back to the base. Of course, Stapy didn't know that, and neither did Fries, yet.

He felt weirdly tense reading it, as if he shouldn't be reading it, as if there was something he shouldn't know on it. He swallowed his nerves, deciding to read further down to see what was written. "Pays attention to orders... and acts upon demand, will not put up a fight or question anything. Listens to anything that is told..? Highly naive and gullible.. " Well, when he used to be at the base he knew very well this was basically how Coiny acted.. he was so obedient to Two it was almost concerning. But.. something had always felt off, something just..didn't seem right with him.

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