138: Surprises, surprises, and a whole lot more surprises.

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Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap ..

Liy rapidly tapped her foot on the wooden floorboards restlessly, her hand on her lap as she stared at her door and sat on her bed, not having taken her eyes away from it for a lengthy amount of time, an amount of time she couldn't even remember. It was the evening.. and she had no idea what Barfbag and Loser were doing.

Her mind couldn't rest.. all she could think of was Coiny.

Night was approaching ..and she didn't know what to do. She wasn't sure if she would be able to protect him from them.. not forever. She could hold them off.. but murdering them was another task she wasn't sure she was strong enough to do.. not anymore. She knew they'd live up to their promise.. they'd kill him.

Coiny was in danger.. he was in danger.

Those words kept swirling around her mind, storming her thoughts.

She kept bouncing her leg up and down, her breathing steady as her eyes were glued to her door handle. She hadn't been able to get in contact with Coiny all day, Two had been hogging him in his office ever since the morning. She couldn't take this.. she couldn't bare the thoughts..

She didn't know why she cared so much.. but she did. She couldn't let him get hurt.. not because of her. She promised Gelatin she would protect him.. she wanted keep that promise. She knew Two wouldn't like Coiny being dead.. but Barfbag and Loser would find a way to get around it.. they always did. They would find a way to excuse their actions and lie to Two.. just like they did with Donut.

That was it. She couldn't let this continue. She needed to find Coiny. She needed... him to..

He needed to go. As in he needed to leave.

She sprung up from her bed, not bothering to grab her knife as the only thing she was focused on was finding him, leaving her room fast. She hoped that he would be in his room, given that he had been with Two all day.. it was likely that he was now having some time to himself. She prayed he was, her breathing picking up as she hastily speed-walked over to where his room was, swinging his door open in a panic as fear possessed her at a rapid rate.

He was there.. and he was safe.

She felt a long breath of air escape her lips as she closed up his door, slamming it and holding the handle firmly. Coiny was startled by her panicked demeanor, perking up from where he sat on his bed. "L-Liy? What's going on?" He wondered aloud, unaware of the situation. He hadn't seen her all day, so to see her for the first time in such a state was worrysome.

"C-Coiny.." she breathed, pain in her voice. She sounded hurt as her hand slipped from the handle and she began to slowly walk up to the copper coin, him staring into her eyes with apprehension as she grabbed his cold shoulder and leaned down to his level on her knees. She looked genuinely upset, frightening him. He wasn't sure what words would leave her mouth, tense as she began to speak.

"We have to get you out of here.." she suddenly told, her voice barely a whisper as Coiny hardly heard what she said. He took a moment to understand it, before pushing her hand off his shoulder in an act of rebellion. "What?? No! I'm not going anywhere, not without you." He spat back, refusing immediately.

Liy wasn't taking no for an answer, seeming to get further distressed by his hostile reaction. "You NEED to leave-"

"But what about you-??" It was the only thing on his mind, looking really upset as she kept telling him this. He clearly didn't want to go anywhere without her, denying what Liy was trying to tell him. Right now she was all he had.. and he didn't want to abandon her here. "I'm not going if you're not." He protested coldly.

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