21: Passing up on a good opportunity.

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A few hours pass, and it had been declared lunch time. One of the only few times they were granted freedom.

Basketball had made her way back and Tennisball had checked up on Tv ..the results were, well, a little concerning.

She had been looking over at Donut and Gelatin as they were sat at a table with Barfbag, all of them eating together..she glanced to the side, feeling.. mixed opinions.

If what Snowball said was correct, there was a lot of things that were..shocking. Donut had managed to gain a large amount of Twos trust and managed to get very high up on his likeability list. And at the same time.. he was basically Twos biggest enemy, holding Fours powers.

She knew Gelatin knew.. was that it? Snowball and her of course.. but that was supposed to be the only people who apparently knew.

Robot Flower was hanging out on her own at lunch, considering that Roboty had needed to recharge his body for the whole night shift. She jumped as Tree put his hand down on the table she was sat at.

"Are you trying to make me crash?! Fucking hell.." she snapped, sighing a bit. "What do you want?"

He shrugged "Just came to ask about Tv. What happened? I know he got taken to the medical room or something, but what happened after?"

She groaned, looking away "..Tb checked up on her. What's it to you?" He squinted "Should it really be this difficult to be nice to you? You're kind of annoying .."

"You would know" she mocked "But anyways.. they said that he had been hacked into, like a sort of control system. And guess what?! From another mechanical mind.."

Tree took a moment to process what she said "Huh? But.. how does that make sense?"

"It DOESNT! It wouldn't be me or Roboty, and Remote is dead. Who else is it supposed to be?! Theres no other robots.." she grumbled "And also, apparently its been happening for a while.. how could I not know this? It's frustrating..I want to know who the fuck is doing this to him" she crossed her arms, clearly upset.

Tree observed her, going to sit up upon the table, tracing it with his finger "Nobody else, like at all? Well.. Remote is battery powered right? So is Fanny, and I'm pretty sure she's alive.. could she be counted as a mechanical mind"

She frowned "I wish it were that simple. Fanny is different.." she groaned, leaning her head on the table "So.. nobody else whatsoever that I know of.. it's really annoying. Why are they doing it?? That's what frustrates me more. See!! Can't you see why I'm pissed?!"

He rolled his eye "Of course I can.. I'm not saying I don't. Can't Tennisball do some.. hacky tracky stuff and track down the location of wherever this signal is coming from?"

She shrugged "..How should I know.." she thought about it.. "..But, that's a valid point. Its just, then what would I do? Its not like I can go and track it down, nobody is allowed out for stuff like that.. not us, anyways. Just stupid Front Row and some others.." she muttered, feeling disappointed and down.

Tree flicked a crumb off the table "Well.. even if you can't track it down.. at least you can know where its coming from, hm?" He spoke. She looked up at him, "..Welll... thats truee..."

She sighed, groaning a bit in the process "Well, Fine! Only because otherwise you probably wouldn't leave me alone" she complained, standing up. "I'm going to go see Tennisball as soon as possible..I'll update you later!" She called as she began to walk off while talking. He waved back.


"What if we find someone and they attack us or something?" Cake asked worridly, anxiety sensed in the tone of his voice as he did, watching Book climb down the ladder last.

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