93: Lack of answers.

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After Fries' mysterious escape, Two had taken on the liberty to make sure he wasn't anywhere in the base. They searched from top to bottom, including that small basement area even though they really doubted he would be there. They checked all the rooms, Snowball had to hide under the bed which was both terrifying and extremely uncomfortable, but Two saw that Donut was in Gelatins room so.. they didn't seem to be questioning anything about him specifically. Donut was really hoping he would get away with it, so was making sure not to make any more sudden moves.

When he teleported himself back to the bedroom where Gelatin was, he spilled everything to him about what happened and that he had managed to teleport Fries and himself. Of course, Gelatin was ecstatic over this news since Donut had been trying to achieve that for so long, and that just proved he could do more and .. he could even recover in the future. Gelatin hoped, anyways, he didn't tell Donut that because he knew it would just stress him out.

"So.. Fries is just.. in the forest now?" Gelatin asked to make sure, his hand to his side with his legs over the side of the bed, faintly swinging them. He was looking at Donut, who was next to him with his legs crossed, his gaze directed to the floor and his hands in his lap. He was definitely upset about what happened with Fries but.. he was nervous for the future too. He was not having a good time..

"Yeah.." Donut muttered vaguely, hating to admit it. He was trying to just blank it from his mind. "I-I don't know how far but.. we couldn't see the base."

Gelatin pondered that, looking back to the ground and thinking about what they were going to do from here. Fries was their biggest source of support..it would definitely take a toll on them. Probably even more on Donut, since Gelatin knew very well that he depended on Fries insanely. "And.. he wants you to go to Golfballs lab and tell them about  ...er, our powers? So .. we can get their support?" He repeated what he had been told.

Donut groaned softly.. "Yesss.. that too. I'm ...really worried about doing that. What if they don't believe me or, they aren't there...?"

"We won't know until it happensss.." Gelatin smiled and pat Donuts back, but Donut seemed to still be thinking about it.. he obviously was dreading it but, Gelatin knew Fries was right. It had to be done .. that was the only way they could continue this on.. and stop Two.

Donut felt super exhausted from teleporting.. though. He would definitely have to get used to it if he wanted to use it regularly. Gelatin kept comforting him in silence, thinking his own thoughts as the two sat their and processed what just happened.. and what it meant.

"Well.. if we want to take down Two we.. have to do it eventually. " Donut suppossd, looking back over at Gelatin who calmly retracted his hand. "Fries says that he thinks there's more of us than.. them. Do you think that's true?" He wanted Gelatins opinion.

"Hmm.." Gelatin pondered it, tapping his chin as Donut watched him. "Wellll.. I mean, there's GOTTA some guys on Fours side in this base. Like - I bet Basketball is. She's super sweet sooo.. I don't see why she would be all crazy. But who knows." He shrugged it off, pulling his legs over the bed and to his body.

He looked back over to Donut, who seemed distant and in his own world of thought while he was in the conversation. He probably had a lot on his mind.. that was okay.. Gelatin was still adjusting to it himself. It was a shame.. he never really got to talk to Fries but - he kind of wished he did. He wanted to see what he was like behind the act that he put on.. because Donut seemed to really like him.

"Hey, D.." Donut looked over as Gelatin got his attention, tiredly rubbing his eyes. "Yes..?" He replied faintly. Gelatin leaned forward and nudged him softly, grinning weakly but genuinely. "I'm proud of you for learning how to teleport. I didn't think you had it in ya."

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