42: Things seem to be brightening up.

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"Naily!! Shhh!" Price Tag hissed, watching as she tumbled over her own feet and tripped up onto the floor. They glanced around the halls wearily in case anyone had heard, before glaring back at her.

Everyone was sleeping.. and they had planned to escape tonight. They had both sneakily taken one of the keycards from a member of Free Food earlier, and they already knew what the code was thanks to them watching one of the members use it.

Naily stood back up as fast as she could, "Sorry!-" she whispered nervously, Pt rolling their eyes "D-Do you think anyone heard-?" She stammered.

The building was completely silent. Nailys trip up being heard wasn't the most impossible scenario. They waited for a few for a moments, resting in the silence anxiously.

"Nobody heard." Pt hissed "Luckily.. now come on! We have to get out of here before someone spots or hears us. Two would kill us if we got caught!" They exclaimed, speed walking up to the door.

Naily followed, trying to make as little noise as possible. They couldn't really bring anything with them, like food or weapons, ..so Naily was kind of hesitant to go through with this. She had just went along with whatever Pt said, letting them guide or command her. And.. in a way, she kind of wished she didnt.

Of course she wanted to get out of there..but was the cold, rainy, and scary outdoors any better than this? What would they eat? Where would they sleep?

Pt approached the door quickly, squinting and looking up at the security system. "Gh.." they went to stand on their tip toes to reach, using their mouth to try and swipe the card.

They looked back at Naily, frowning in annoyance as she was staring off into the building "A little help??"

"Oh, r-right-" she hurridly made her way over, going to kneel down on the ragged carpet so they could use her to reach. They stood on her body carefully, grunting as they tried to swipe it through. It worked.

Naily just stared at the ground, grunting and keeping her balance "I-Is it working?"

"Duh!" They grinned and dropped the card on the floor to dispose of it using their foot to type out the simple code they learned, listening to the beeps as they pressed the correct buttons.

"..Price Tag..uhh.." Naily winced as they were stepping on her awkwardly "..Do.. you think this is really a good idea?"

"What?? I thought you wanted this!" Pt snapped, looking down at her in frustration. They took a deep breath and softened up "It'll be okay. We can do this together."

"..But what if someone finds us?"

They twitched, their facial expression changing "I'm sure we won't." They forcefully smiled.


"Yeah yeah whatever. It's too late now, just follow whatever I do" They impatiently growled, hopping off of her.

Naily awkwardly shuffled "I..just.. want to make sure this is the right decision for us."

Pt ignored her, watching the doors open up. They suddenly became mad at they realised it was raining "Rain?! Are you kidding me?!" They grumbled some swears "I'll get ruined!"

"Maybe we can try again tomorrow?" Naily hopefully suggested, giving a small nervous smile. However her suggestion wasn't even considered by Pt, who only stepped forward, out the doors.

"We'll have to find somewhere dry. Come on!"

Naily looked back at the building. She had some friends here..was she really going to just leave them? Would Gaty be okay? She would be extremely lonley since everyone else in Weaponry was gone.. and what about Scissors?

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