131: Two can't keep a secret if one of them are dead.

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Firey and his group made it back to the base just in the nick of time, as the forest had been getting dark and merely minutes after they arrived did the rain come back. The group decided to sleep immediately after they got back, mainly so they could get an early start tomorrow, but also because they were exhausted and hungry so the best thing to do would be to get some rest.

Firey of course couldn't sleep. He didn't even try, because he knew that he wouldn't be able to. He had awaited for the pair to pass out, which happened quickly as they had already been struggling to stay awake on the way back. Firey had departed from the small base as soon as the two were out cold, not bothered by the rain since he was metal now.

He just kind of paced around at first - now that he had time to himself he could finally think in peace. He didn't..know what was happening to him or why it was happening to him, and so he needed to get his damn head straight. He trailed a little away from the base, and sat himself down on a near tree stump to reflect on what happened today. He peered down at his feet, anxiety constantly bothering him.

He had never felt like this before..it was a mix of dread and confusion. Where the hell did he even get these.. and why? He.. didn't think they were meant for him.. he didn't WANT this right now. This was seriously stressing him out.. he hadn't been this panicked over something since Cake and Book died. This changed everything..and now he was going to have to constantly lie to his friends.

He didn't WANT them to know. He was scared of how they would react.. probably happy, but that's not how he wanted them to react. Firey knew if they found out he had this then a huge responsibility would be forced upon him when he wasn't ready for that kind of thing. He knew people would start to expect things from him if they found out he had POWERS, because, obviously.

He understood this.. he knew that having them meant he was.. supposed to use them to help, but he.. he didn't want to. He couldn't..he didn't know HOW. He felt selfish for feeling this way but he never asked for this, he never wanted this..he kept his gaze fixated to where his feet were below him, watching as the rain pounded on the mud around him and formed murky puddles in the dips in the ground.

He closed his eyes tightly..what was he going to do? Someone else needed to have these, not Firey. Someone who could use them right...jeez.. he didn't expect this to happen today.. he would have never guessed. He was just so lost..

Did this have something to do with Donuts body? But why..? He just tripped on his arm.. why would this have caused him to gain Fours powers? He seriously needed answers..at least that would offer him SOME peace of mind. This was terrifying..he just wished he could understand all of this.

He opened his eyes and exhaled, trying not to get too worked up. Well.. it.. wasn't the END of the world, right..? What things could Four do.. Firey tried to think back. That was right.. Four had the ability to ..to recover. Firey tensed up at realising this, it being a good thing and a bad thing.

Could ..Firey recover now?

What if he couldn't? Would others expect him to be able to do that? Would they get angry?

Apart from Shampoo and his dead friends coming up with that recovery centre, there had been ..no talk or hope of recovery. For him to.. have that expectation forced on him.. it would not be fun. He didn't want to be.. expected of to know how to do that. He didn't even know what he was supposed to do.. or how.

But this was the ONE ability he needed to know.. it was the most useful one out of everything Four could do. If he had Fours powers.. he might as well give it a shot, right? He slowly brought his only hand into view, opening it in front of his face and staring down at it worriedly. He closed it, and then opened it a few times, admiring his fingers wearily.. how did this work? Four had made it look so simple.

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