64: Danger is coming.

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By the morning, Rubber Spatula had come to a .. reluctant compromise. He agreed to play along with the others to take down Two, even if he didn't trust them that much. He was worried about including himself in something like this, and was worried about getting his group included with this.. plan. Despite it seeming like a more ethical plan, it was still not the way he himself would have handled the situation.

It seemed to be the "nicer "way of taking Two down.. if they were right about all of this working, it could mean good things for the future. But if they weren't, Rs would not hold back from stating "I told you so".

He agreed to help them try and take down the members of Twos side.. the ones that actually were a THREAT. Needle and the others from Twos side listed who needed to be targeted, and who needed to be spared based on their observations and knowledge from back at the base. Tree made little doodles of them all so they could tell who they were.

Objects like Basketball and Gaty were apart of those who didn't need to be killed.. they were victims to Twos wrath and could be convinced to help defeat Two. However, objects like Loser and Leafy, were past the point of being redeemed - they figured that there was no choice but to.. get rid of them, the nicest way of saying. Some of them didn't really want to just have to kill them, but Rs insisted it was the best option. It hurt, but it meant there was no risk of them betraying or lying to them in the future.

So.. it was confirmed. Their plan was to gradually find a way to kill those on Twos side that couldn't be replenished. Rs said if they wanted they could try their best to redeem them, but if not then they were just going to have to be killed.

The list was then made. The group of course wasn't up to date with the current issues that had occurred while they were gone, such as Tv now working with Free Food, and Marker being dead, Stapy escaping.. but they would find out later.

Their biggest targets was Yellowface, Coiny, Fries, Loser, Leafy, Liy, Balloony, Marker..and some others, just everyone who they thought were completely insane. Rs agreed that they would all be the main targets, and would be the most dangerous to deal with.

However, objects like Donut, Roboty, Cloudy and Gelatin, etc.. they weren't too sure about. Sure.. they were sometimes nice? And.. they hadn't really done anything wrong, but it was still sort of..blank when it came to determining what side they were really on. So.. Robot Flower said they should just leave them for now; even she wasn't sure how to feel about her friend. Rs didn't like that idea but with some convincing from Leek, he went along with it.

And lastly the victims..and the prisoners. They were the ones that needed to be spared and helped rather than killed and hurt... they needed to eventually help with this plan...EVENTUALLY being the key word.

Leek said that even if they were on the same side, they could not tell anyone else about this plan just yet. It could risk things getting ruined, or Two finding out about it.. this would have to wait for the future, and then work together.

And ..speaking of working together, it was now time to go back. Now that a plan had been decided, it was time to take action. Of course they weren't going to just go home and kill them all just like that, it would be a gradual process.

Basically, Rs gave them all small sized walkie talkies that they could use to communicate with each other from the far away areas that they would all be in, this way they would be able to keep up to date with what was happening.

They.. also decided to do some splitting up.

Rubber Spatula demanded that one of Twos group would stay back ..just to make sure they weren't going to betray them after all. Reluctantly, Needle offered to stay behind. Match said that she would stay with her, so Needle was going to stay there while the rest of the group went back.

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