139: I deserve this.

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Mild gore warning.

"Alright eveyeone.." Gelatin gently exhaled into the cold air, keeping his voice low as the group were in range of the base. The light from inside the building only spilled from where the door was, since every other entrance had been sealed off. The group began to gradually steady their walking once it was in view, pausing to take in the sight that was Twos huge tower. Lollipop had not yet seen it, intimidated by how threatening it appeared.. Tree wished to never see this place again, but hoped this would be the last time they ever saw it standing tall. Firey had seen it before, but only glimpses. He never got too close to it.. it was a lot bigger than he initially anticipated.

"My.. oh my.." Lollipop uttered mindlessly, the realisation of the situation only sinking in now in the form of anxiety. "..Are.. you sure we can do this, Gelatin?" Her gaze fell beneath her to the smaller object, who's eyes too were fixated on the building that towered over all of them.

"..Yes.." Gelatin replied, but faintly. It didn't sound very encouraging. Firey rolled his eyes with indifference. "Come on, guys! Just hurry and eat those damn yoyle berries so we can get in there! Coiny needs us, let's go!" Firey snapped his fingers in front of Lollipops face rapidly, making her blink and shake her head as she broke from her trance of thoughts. "No, no, you're right. Come on, all of you..let us go."

Firey tossed his satchel to the ground for the others, this being what Gelatin had stored the berries in. Firey was already metal, so held up his axe, beginning to confidently march to the door, his eyes looking nowhere else but what was blocking his path to Coiny. He held up his axe as he neared to it, but shrieked as the door was smashed open from the other side, dented.

Firey backed up as a giant robot messily crashed onto the ground; stepping back continuously, a bolt rolled just in front of his feet, spinning to a stop. His breath hitched as he looked up, seeing Two towering over the robot in the doorway dominantly, panting while gripping its arm in their hand. The oil from the arm coated Twos hand and dripped onto the floor below, the wires sparking and releasing eletrical sounds at the joint. Firey was speechless, not hearing the others run up to him from behind.

"What the hell is going on?!" Gelatin cried in distress and covered his mouth, none of them having time to turn themselves into metal. Lollipop stared shakily as as she locked eyes with the numeral, Tree dumbfounded as he watched Two drop the arm onto the ground with a harsh rattle, right next to the twitching mechanism. The smell of oil took over.

"Two-?" Whispered Lollipop, disorientated.

Before Two could reply, they lost their attention on the group and swiftly turned their head back into the glowing building. In there stood Liy and Coiny, and they were trying to get Coinys band off, clearly struggling due to their panic. "I-Is it broken?!" Liy inquired in agitation, Coiny distressed as she kept trying to shove the device up against his band.

"Here- let me try!" Two jogged over to them, and suddenly..

They turned into Bottle. Bottle grabbed the device out of Liys hand and began to try and use it on Coiny, shoving his wrist where it was supposed to go. She was relieved as she heard a distinct beeping sound, Coiny pulling his wrist out and admiring it as the light glowed a bright green, illuminating his face in the same coloured glow.

"Can someone PLEASE tell me what is going on?!" Lollipop demanded to know, more agitated than afraid at this point. Coiny glanced out the door, his gaze settling on one of the objects in particular..Firey. He stood still, unable to speak.. unable to move. He couldn't believe his sight, seeing the one object that stood before him.. the one who was supposed to be one of his closest friends.. Firey didn't notice Coinys distraught, his attention focused on Bottle.

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