25: So, this is where you've been?

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Gore warning

Because of Tennisballs injuries, he had to be put into an induced coma, requested by Basketball. This was because it would allow his injuries to heal quicker, because.. he wasn't in a very good state at all.

She was a little upset because with all the stuff she had to do she wouldn't see Snowball today.. which was stressful because she wasn't exactly sure if he was alright from yesterday..with the meet up with Liy and Balloony. Not only that, but she wanted to ask him more questions on what he said. But now.. she couldn't.

He might've been seen and had to run.. or been injured one way or another. She didn't like thinking about it, and it was eating her up inside.

And what if he began to get concerned that she wasn't around? What if he thought she told Two about what he told her? What if he questioned his trust towards her? There was many possibilities.. their relationship was on a very thin line, and that wasn't his fault. If he assumed those things, it would only be natural in a situation like this.

Almost everyone knew about Tb now. Not only this, but they knew about Tv being switched off for safety. That sparked questions, and panic. What did that mean? And why was nobody telling them anything?

And.. the group. Anchor last minute had decided that he would go instead of staying. He talked to his friends, obviously not saying anything about what happened with Two that day, but told them to just.. be very careful. He wanted to go with the other group, because there was a possibility some of his other friends were alive, and he didn't want to pass up on that opportunity to see them.

Tree, Nickel, Robot Flower, Needle and Anchor had now left the building. Two had only been aware of their disappearance after they left, and honestly it REALLY annoyed him. Anchor leaving was a concern, too. He hoped (not really) for the sake of his friends he would return. Or.. well, it would really suck to be them.

But, on the note they left it did say they knew where the attackers were.. and if they successfully managed to make the attackers pay or something similar, that would make up for all of this.

Basketball sighed softly as she looked over to Tb as he was laid in the medical bed, completely still as he was on the ventilator, his injuries.. looked beyond repair. How was she supposed to fix him up with just robotics? It wouldn't work. Luckily.. she didn't think it would be possible to have any of the prisoners limbs or parts surgically implemented into him like Nickel, but she didn't want to take that chance knowing Twos motivation was high.

Only Barfbag was now in main team. With the rest gone and Tb down, there had to be some emergency changes in place. Weaponry still had Naily and Price Tag, but Gaty had been commanded to work in main team until the others got back. As well as this, Gelatin was on duty there during the day since only at night he needed to translate Roboty. However, that was awful for his sleep schedule. He was forced to work all day and was allowed to sleep unless Two woke him to translate Robotys words.

However, he wasn't going to let that bring him down. He was still as cheery as usual. Basketball has found this out first hand as he suddenly burst into the hospital room with a huge grin printed on his face, smirking with his hand on his waist "Hee I amm!~"

"G-GAH-" Basketball flinched, groaning "D-Dont do that! You scared me half to death.." she sighed, trying to gather herself "..What do you want..?"

He giggled and closed the door "Just came to check up on you and poor ol' Tb here. Tv really roughed him up, huh?" He walked up to him and winced a little at his injuries.

"Well.. that's what everyone is thinking. Evidence points to that.." she sat back in one of the chairs, exhaling "..I'm not sure what to do with him.. Two told me to put him in a coma but.. now what? His body will recover slowly, probably too slowly.."

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