52: Do you like baking?

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Evening slowly crept up on everyone, as did the weather. The winds were becoming increasingly violent, to the point anyone that continued to stay outside with no shelter for the night would probably freeze to death. It was extremely unusual.

Luckily for Golfballs group, they didn't have to worry about that. They were completely fine in her lab, unbothered by the weather. In fact, they hadn't even noticed the decreasing temperatures, since they were inside and didn't need to go outside.

8-ball had offered to keep watch of Liy for a little while, as Blackhole had been doing it all day. She was growing frustrated and was beginning to act a lot more threatening and aggressive to them all, so Blackhole could do with a break from her.

Once 8-ball arrived, Blackhole made his way back to the main area that everyone were hanging out in. For the majority of the day everyone just napped, so were pretty awake and happy to see him.

"Hey buddy!-" Pen exclaimed excitedly, walking up to him as he entered and giving him a soft smile, putting his hands behind his back. Blackhole turned his gaze to him "Oh? Hello Pen.. how have you been?"

He scuffed the ground with his foot "Oh? Y'know.." he twirled his hand around "We've kinda just been sleeping. Golfball hasn't visited much ..I think she's in her room.." He explained.

Blackhole hesitated at this news, but tried not to show his discomdort "A-Ah.. Oh, I see." Pen gave him a reassuring smile "It's okay though! The others are all still here."

Blackhole made his way over with Pen over to where the rest of the group were. Lightning gave a gentle wave, Fanny not commenting for once "H-Hey Blackhole! Nice to see you.." he smiled sheepishly.

Blocky stood up politely to greet him "Yo!! We weren't really doing much. It's nice to see you again!" He grinned at Blackhole , wrapping his arm around Pen, who laughed shyly.

"Yeah, it's been kinda boring actually." Jr complained with dry tone, yawning and leaning back "But peaceful! Thanks to stupid fucking Liy being monitored. Hopefully she won't escape again." He nudged Bomby, who nodded.

Blocky shrugged plainly "Eh..probably not." Lollipop traced the wall with her finger "Hmm, I agree. Even so, I think this time I'd have a word with her myself." She put a hand on her waist, almost threateningly.

Blocky smirked playfully and sat back down next to Woody "Oh yeah! She wouldn't stand a chance against you, Lollipop. Or any of us.. she messed with the wrong group." He boasted proudly.

Woody weakly nodded in agreement, having his legs up against his body, holding them there. Blocky smirked and watched Pen sit down "Ah.. it's just.. so peaceful. I feel kind of bad.."

"Wh-What? Why?" Blocky was confused on the sudden change of tone. It was as if Pen hadn't realised he had spoken aloud "A-Ah, did I say that?? I'm sorry.." Pen quickly looked away from him.

Jr decided to mind his own business and continue talking to Bomby. Lollipop noticed the situation as well, and went to lead Blackhole, Fanny and Lightning over as well, to leave them some privacy and let Blocky talk to his friend.

Woody glanced to the side and listened, but tried not to be too rude about it. Pen fiddled with his hands "W-Well, you know! I just.. er.. this is awkward.." he traced the floor with his finger.

Blocky gave him a look of concern "Heyy! I'm here to talk to you, what's on your mind?" He put his hand on his shoulder "I'm here for you bud.." Blocky assured quietly.

Pen gazed down at the ground, exhaling "Ah..okay..okay." he bit his lip nervously, not knowing how to get his words out "It's just.." he pulled his legs up to his body, burying himself into his arms "I.. feel bad for everyone else in the forest.."

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