144: The show is over.

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This is a mini chapter as the rest of it will be continued in the next, sorry!

Lunch passed, and by this time Golfball had instructed to go back into the lab. Though, they were going to be more careful this time around, and there was a plan in place to ensure that. Only Lightning and Blackhole were allowed to go inside, as well as Gelatin as he could teleport so he could get the crates out effortlessly. It was much more efficient, and after last time it was best not to take any risks. This way it was unlikely anyone would get injured.

By late day Gelatin had retrieved a small number of crates, and the group were instructed to look through them for anything that may be useful during their trip to Rubber Spatula. Lightning and Blackhole were busy flying inside the lab, trying to look on the unreachable floors for anything too. Golfball knew that she had useful things in her own personal office, so was really hoping they could find it mostly undamaged by the flames.

So this was what they were doing for the day. Firey had asked to have a break, though, and had sat down by the fire to relax after that whole.. event beforehand. He was glad everyone was okay but.. he didn't feel any better now that everyone knew. He wanted that to remain a secret, and hadn't planned on saying anything until he could use them more successfully. He was just.. a little overwhelmed.

Coiny and his other friends were off helping with the crates, so he alone. He sat with his elbow propped on his knee, holding his face up while he stared into the fire idly. Flames continously danced around, warming his face since he was now metal. It looked like it was going to rain soon, so he didn't want to take any risks and ate a yoyle berry earlier.

His satchel was beside the log he was sat on, tucked in the short grass. He was trying to relax, exhaling shakily into the fire which caused it to move. He had so much on his mind.. should he tell Liy about him going into the exit and seeing her dead body there? Now that she knew he had Fours powers.. maybe he should. He did feel guilty about all of this, though.. he knew how much they all wanted revival.

And.. of course he wanted that too. He wanted to see Book and Cake.. and Donut and Fries and everyone who had lost their lives during this unfortunate event. He wanted to make Stapy and Coiny and Shampoo all happy by giving them the one thing they didn't have.. their closest friends. That guilt was constantly pestering him, lingering around him. He wished he could make it go away, he wished he never HAD these powers.

But he felt guilty for saying that, too.

"Heyyyy, Firey!" Bottle chimed unexpectedly and sat herself right next to him, smiling cheerfully once she settled comfortably. Firey gasped and almost stood up from the shock of her sudden appearance, putting a hand on his chest and exhaling.

"J-Jeez! You almost scared me to death!" He breathed, frowning at her afterwards for being so jumpy. She giggled, covering her mouth with her hands sweetly. "Oh, Firey, you can't scare people to death! Oh.. well, I guess you can." She mused thoughtfully, thinking about it deeper. "Huh, wow. What a way to go!"

"Bottle- what do you want ..?" Firey wondered flatly, more blunt than he intended to be. She hummed and swung her legs without picking up on his attitude, letting her hands fall beside her and lie on the logs surface.

"Nothing in particular! Just ..wanted to see how you were doing.." she supposed gleefully, kicking her legs out of rhythm with each other, brushing her feet against the grass blades. "Because of the uhh.. news! You know.. about you having Fours powers. I- .. can't imagine how you feel." The light of the fire reflected off her surface, highlighting her in a yellow flickering glow.

Firey shrugged, not sure how to respond. He forgot she also had powers.. it was weird. Now the group had all of the hosts combined powers.. well, most of them. Two still had some of their own. "I'm.. fine. Uh, how.. long did it take you to get used to the powers exactly?" He questioned faintly, his gaze not moving from the fire in front of him.

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